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"Marcus tell everyone they have to leave." I hear Martinus say to his twin. I'm standing behind him just waiting to him to turn around and let me explain myself.

He turns around and when he sees me looks like I'm the most disgusting thing ever. Oh shit I'm in trouble. Then he leaves.

"Okay people get out!" Marcus yells through the music. People start getting out. I hand Marcus that water bottle I went to get him even tho he seems much better now.

"Are you okay Jens?" He asks. I bite my lip and shake my head.

"I just cheated on Martinus." I admit looking down.

"What, that doesn't sound like something you would do." Marcus says.

"It's not my fault! Nick came close to me and grabbed my ass and kissed me. Martinus saw it all and thinks it was my idea." I sigh and bury my head in my hands.

"Hey don't worry about it, he just seems to be in a bad mood so he's taking it all out on you. Talk with him in the morning." Marcus says hugging m.

"Thanks Marcus." I give him a weak smile.

"That's what I'm here for, I'm sorry your birthday had a shitty ending." He says.

"It's not your fault, let's go sleep and clean in the morning." I walk upstairs to my room. I say goodnight to Marcus and he goes to his room.
I wake up by someone banging on my door. And loud. I open the door and see Martinus.

"Umm good morning?" I say.

"Come clean with us." He says and goes downstairs. He's still mad, great. I put on a hoodie and go down after him. Marcus is already there cleaning with Martinus. They're talking about something but as soon as they see me Martinus gets quiet and slaps Marcus on the arm so he would stop talking too.

"Good morning Jens." Marcus says and hands me a plastic bag. I start putting some cups and bottles in it.

"Martinus can we please talk?" I ask Martinus when he takes, I mean, rips the plastic bag from my hand. He doesn't say anything, he just goes out to put the bags in the garbage can.

"Martinus Gunnarsen stop being such a baby and listen to your girlfriend!" Marcus yells at his twin. Wow he must have really lost his temper.

"How the hell am I being a baby? She cheated on me!" Martinus yells back slamming the door close and taking off his shoes.

"Jenny, explain." Marcus snaps his fingers and then points at Martinus.

"Martinus, I went to get some water for Marcus and Nick came there. I tried to get away but he took a grip of me and kissed me. He kissed me, I didn't kiss him." I explain. I can see Martinus' expression soften.

"I'm sorry Jenny." He says quietly. I just walk up to him and give him a hug. He puts his other hand on my cheek and kisses me.

"Woah woah lovers there's others in the room too!" Marcus says throwing a plastic cup in my head.

"Sorry Marcus." I chuckle and continue cleaning.

"Marcus I uhh- I have to talk to you." Martinus suddenly says and pulls Marcus upstairs by his collar.

I look after them confused. I really shouldn't be listening to them but I can't help but feel a bit curious. I start waking up the stairs but when I'm halfway up I hear the door open so I quickly go back down.

"Martinus you have to tell her." Marcus whisper yells.

"Shut up Marcus." Martinus slaps him in the arm.

"Tell me what?" I ask. The boys look at each other with wide eyes. Well they couldn't get more suspicious.

"Nothing honey, let's just keep cleaning." Martinus says quickly and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

We are finally finished cleaning up and we're sitting on Marcus' bed. The boys are playing FIFA and I'm just watching. Martinus seems to be a bit tense and Marcus keeps glaring at him every five minutes.

"Marcus can I talk to you for a bit?" I ask. I have to find out what's going on.

"Actually I-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Now." I get up from his bead and walk out of the room. He follows after me and closes the door.

"What does Martinus have to tell me?" I ask him when he sits next to me on the top stair.

"I really think that you should hear that from him." Marcus says.

"But he won't tell me!" I say louder. Martinus opens the door. He just grabs his brother's hand and pulls him back into the room.

"You are not telling her! I'm telling when I want to!" I can hear Martinus yell.

"I'm not I'm not! Don't worry." Marcus says. Then the door open again and they're both smiling the most fake smile ever. I just go back to the room and sit on the bed.

(un)happy // Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now