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After just standing there confused for a second he puts his hands behind my back pulling me closer and kisses me back. I have missed him so much.

I break the kiss and wrap my hands around him.

"Jenny you know how much I love you, but I have a friend over right now." He whispers in my ear.

"Does it matter?" I ask.

"No." He says chuckling a bit and hugging me even harder. I smile. This is the place I belong.

"I love you so much Jenny, I will be the best damn boyfriend you could find. I want you to be happy." He says looking at me in the eyes.

"I love you too Martinus, I'm sorry for everything I have done." I bite my lip.

"Hey it's okay, all that matters is the answer to this question, will you be mine again?" Martinus asks.

"Yes." I smile and kiss him again.

"Umm, I think you need some time alone so I'm just gonna go." Martinus' friend, Johannes says and tries to get past us to the hallway.

"Sorry man." Martinus laughs.

"Hey it's okay bro, just hang on to her better this time." Johannes winks his eye at us and then leaves.

"I will." Martinus says smiling.

Martinus takes my hand leading me back to his room and closing the door behind him. He lies down on the bed and pulls me in his lap wrapping his arms around me.

"I have missed holding you so much." He says and kisses the back of my head. I just close my eyes and smile.

We spend the rest of the night just cuddling and watching Netflix. I end up falling asleep in Martinus' lap. It's just so comfortable.

I wake up and can't find Martinus anywhere. I walk downstairs and can't find him there either.

"Marcus, where is your brother!" I yell to upstairs.

"I'm right here." Martinus says behind me.

"Oh hello." I smile and kiss him.

"Here's a rose to my beautiful girlfriend." He says smiling and giving me another beautiful rose.

"Thank you Martinus." I say taking it.

"Did you see the picture Marcus posted on our instagram?" Martinus asks.

"No, why?" I ask. Martinus takes out his phone and shows me a picture that was apparently posted by Marcus. It's a picture of me sleeping on top of Martinus with his arms around me and him sleeping too.

When you just wanna play FIFA with your twin but he's too busy sleeping with his girlfriend, thanks guys 🙄 anyone wanna be my bae? ;)

"That's a cute picture." I say smiling at it.

"It's because you're in it." Martinus says kissing my forehead and putting his other arm around me.

"Oh god, I love you Martinus Gunnarsen." I say shaking my head in amusement.

"I love you too Jenny Svartan." Martinus says cracking that beautiful smile of his. "But you have to go to school now, so go get ready."

I walk upstairs and change my clothes. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on some black ripped jeans and a hoodie which belongs to Martinus.

I go back downstairs and put on my shoes and coat and wait for Marcus to show up. When he finally does, I give Martinus a quick kiss and leave the house with Marcus.

"So I noticed you and Martinus made up." Marcus says breaking the silence on the way.

"Yep, and you decided to post a picture of us on instagram too." I say. "And a dating ad."

"Yea why not." Marcus just shrugs his shoulders. I spend the rest of the way trying to suggest Marcus some people he could date but all of them have some kind of problems, as he would say.

We get to school and walk to class. We have all classes together today, thank god. I was starting to feel a bit too lonely.

I hear some whispering around me in class. It's about me and Martinus. People in school have noticed that everything isn't okay, and this is a small village so rumors spread fast.

'I thought they broke up.'

'They did but apparently they made up.'

'What if it's for publicity?'

'What does Martinus even see in her?'

'I think Martinus is going to cheat again, I heard he cheated on his ex at least three times.'

"Okay that's it, shut the fuck up!" Marcus stands up and yells at the girls whispering behind us. They both immediately shut up and look at Marcus with wide eyes.

"I don't care if you two blabber mouths talk shit about everyone in this town but you'll leave my twin and my best friend alone." He hisses at them.

"Marcus Gunnarsen, sit down." The teacher says strictly. Marcus gives the girls one last look and sits down.

"Thanks Marcus." I say quietly.

(un)happy // Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now