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It's the next morning. I press the snooze button in my alarm. Then it rings again. I sigh and get up. I put on my leggings and Martinus' hoodie.

Things may not be perfect right now but his clothes are so damn cozy and I love wearing them. I put my hair in a bun and head downstairs.

I put on some sneakers and my coat and leave the house. It's just like the old days. Going to school alone. Being in school alone.

I reach the schoolyard and look around. I really don't have any other friends than the twins. Well I actually hang with their friends in school and they're nice and everything but I think they don't wanna be with me without the boys.

I sit down on a bench and just scroll through my phone. I see some pictures of Martinus and Marcus with fans and on stage. I can't help but feel a little jealous when I see a video of Martinus hugging a girl on stage. My thought are interrupted by someone coming next to me.

"Hey can I sit here?" That someone asks. I just nod and turn my head back to my phone.

"I'm Jake. I'm new here." The boy introduces himself.

"I'm Jenny." I smile at him.

"Hey Jenny. I don't know if this is gonna sound weird or anything but I don't really have any friends so would you maybe like to be my friend." Jake says sounding really nervous.

"Of course. I don't really have much friends either and the only ones are in Germany right now." I sigh.

"Who are your friends then?" He asks curiously.

"Marcus and Martinus, I don't know if you know them or anything but they're singers so yeah." I explain.

"Of course I know them, my little sister loves them." Jake chuckles. I smile at him.

We talk for about five minutes before the bell rings and we have to go to class. Jake has maths and I have science but we agree on meeting in lunch.

I'm so happy I have at least one person around me when the twins aren't here. I have a feeling that Jake and I are going to be good friends.

The lesson goes by rather quickly and before I know it I'm in the cafeteria sitting with Jake and eating.

I get a snap from Marcus and I decide to watch it. It's a video, filmed by Kjell or one of their security guys I guess, of him and Martinus playing football in the hallways of their hotel. I smile at the video.

"So my guess based on your smile is that you miss those boys." Jake says. I raise my head and put my phone away.

"Yea I kinda do. I live at their house because of some personal problems so this is the first time in over six months that I'm apart from them." I explain.

"Why aren't you with them at the concert then?" Jake asks.

"I kind of have some problems with Martinus at the moment so I thought it would be better for me to stay home." I say.

"Oh okay." Jake just says and continues eating his food. Why didn't I just say the truth? That Martinus is my boyfriend and he cheated. Well I guess I'll just tell him later.

School ends and I'm at the main gate waiting for Jake to come. It's really cold and I would like to get home as fast as possible. Before I know it he comes out the door and we start heading home.

"Hey would you like to come over? Nobody is home and I don't really like being alone so, yeah." He suggest.

"Yes of course." I smile. We go to his house and step in. There's some moving boxes laying around but aside that his house looks really good.

"I don't mean to be too curious but what problems do you have so you have to live with those Gunnarsen boys?" Jake suddenly asks.

I explain everything about my dad and his drinking problem. And then how I ended up at the Gunmarsens' even tho the twins used to bully me. I still don't mention that I'm currently dating the younger twin.

"I'm sorry for you, but good that that's over now." Jake says when I finish telling my story. He places his hand on top of mine and rubbing it gently with his thumb. I just look at him and smile.

(un)happy // Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now