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Martinus if finally back in school, things are finally fine. Everything is perfect.

Well not exactly.

He has been on his phone a lot lately and hasn't spent any time with me. He's been out on every night of the week.

I'm not saying something's up but something is definitely up. He isn't normally like this.

"Martinus?" I say.

"Yes baby?" He asks raising his head from his phone.

"Do you wanna do something?" I ask and sit on his lap. He bites his lip and thinks for a while.

"Yes, why not." He says cracking a small smile. We get off the bed and go downstairs. We put on our shoes and head out.

We find our way to the gas station/café and go in. We order some hot cocoas and start drinking them.

We have been sitting on the table for like an hour. I finished my cocoa like half an hour ago but we have just been talking and laughing. It's like when we first started dating.

Everything seems normal again. For the first time in a while Martinus isn't just on his phone. Maybe I was wrong with all my doubts.

We get up and go outside. It's getting really dark and cold. I take Martinus' hand and give it a gentle squeeze.

"Go over there I wanna take a picture of you." Martinus says pointing at the bridge.

"No I don't want to I look ugly." I say covering my face.

"Hey don't ever say that again. You're the most beautiful girl I know." Martinus says taking my hands off my face. That makes me blush like crazy.

"I love it when I can make you blush." He says smiling and kisses me. "Now go over there so I can take a picture of you." He demands.

I sigh but do as he says. He takes out his phone and starts taking pictures of me just spinning around and doing funny poses.

"Show me." I say and go back to him. He starts going through the picture. "I hate all of them, I look hideous."

"Stop!" Martinus says and puts his phone in his pocket. "You look good, you look beautiful, you look perfect." He takes a hold of my both hands.

"Thank you Martinus but that's not true. I don't even know what you see in me." I mumble looking down.

"What do you mean? Hey, look at me. Has someone said something bad?" He asks sounding concerned.

"The girls in our class said that you're with me for the publicity." I bite my lip.

"It's not true, I love you. If anyone ever says something bad to you I will make sure they won't even look at you after that." He says serious.

"I love you." I say and kiss him. Martinus kisses me back but then pushes me to the snow. "You bitch." I say trying to keep a straight face but start laughing. I get up and throw a snowball at him.

We start a snow fight and just laugh and roll around in the snow like kids. I put some snow in Martinus' back through the collar of his shirt and he screams like a small child.

"Stop stop stop!" He says. He's lying on in the snow and I'm on top of him just looking him in the eyes and trying to stop myself from laughing.

"Don't laugh." Martinus says but laughs himself too.

"I'm not laughing." I say. Martinus rolls around so he's on top of me. Then he gets up and pulls me up with him.

We clean the snow off our clothes and start heading home. I'm in Martinus' arms leaning to him.

We get home and take off our coats and shoes. Then we go upstairs to Martinus' room. I take a t-shirt from his closet and put it on.

We go to bed and Martinus puts his arm around me. This night has been perfect. Martinus hasn't been texting anyone. I don't know why I even doubted him.

(un)happy // Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now