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It's early. Too early. I don't wanna wake up. I just wanna sleep. But of course that's not possible because I'm going on tour with the boys today.

"Good morning Jens." Marcus says when I get downstairs. He's already eating.

I make myself a sandwich and sit by the table and start eating it. Martinus sits next to me and starts eating his breakfast.

We pack the car and get in. First we're going to drive to Trondheim and then flying to Oslo. And from there we're flying to Vienna.

I sit on the backseat and Martinus sits next to me. Marcus sits on the front seat. I lean to Martinus and try to start sleeping again because I'm so tired.

After maaaany hours of being in the car and the airplane we're finally in Vienna. We get off the plane and walk through the airport.

There's some fans at the airport. I squeeze Martinus' hand and he rubs mine gently with his thumb.

The boys give pictures to some fans and then we go to the hotel. We go to our room and I immediately jump on the bed.

"I'm just gonna take a little nap." I say and close my eyes. I'm really tired so I end up falling asleep.

I wake up and it's already the morning. I look around. I see Martinus sleeping next to me and Marcus on the other bed.

I get out of bed and go to the bathroom to do my makeup. When I get out both of the boys are already up and ready to go eat breakfast.

We go downstairs to the restaurant and get something to eat. There's some fans outside the window but I try not to let them bother me.
We've been at the arena almost all day. The boys have rehearsed the choreographies and everything for the night's concert.

I'm on the stage playing football with Marcus. I'm losing, but I don't care as long as we're having fun.

"Sweetie?" Martinus says coming to the stage.

"Yes honey?" Marcus responds. I laugh at them.

"I'm sorry Marcus, I stopped calling you sweetie a while ago." Martinus says as a joke.

"Oh bummer, I really liked that nickname." Marcus swings his arm but can't keep a straight face.

"Boys get here, you have to put on your first outfit." Kjell comes to say. We leave the stage and the boys go to their dressing room.

I'm standing next to the stage waiting for the concert to start. Soon the lights go off and everyone start screaming.
The concert is over and we're backstage. Martinus has been texting someone since they came off stage.

"Martinus, babe?" I say wrapping my arms around him. He quickly puts his phone away so I can't see what he's doing.

"Did you enjoy the concert?" He asks. I nod and smile.

The boys pack their stuff and we leave the venue.

We've been watching movies in the hotel room the whole evening. Martinus hasn't been paying much attention to the movie in the last hour.

"Martinus who are you texting?" I ask curiously and look at his phone.

"No one." He just says and quickly locks his phone. That's weird.

"Can you focus on the movie then?" I say getting a bit annoyed. Martinus raises his eyebrow but puts his arm around me pulling me close to him.

Martinus keeps getting messages from someone and he keeps glancing at his phone. I just keep getting more curious about who he's talking with.

The movie ends and Martinus takes out his phone again. I sigh and get up from the bed. I go to the bathroom and braid my hair.

"Marcus wanna come down and eat with me?" I ask. He nods and gets up from his bed. Martinus doesn't even raise his head but keeps texting. Me and Marcus go to the restaurant.

"Who is Martinus texting all the time?" I ask.

"I have no idea, he won't tell me." Marcus says sounding just as confused as me.

"Do you think it's another girl?" I ask worried.

"I don't know, and even if he was, it would just be some innocent texting. He loves you. You have no idea how much." Marcus explains.

"I guess so. Thanks Marcus." I smile.

thank you so much for 4K reads on this book and 10K on 'him' !!

(un)happy // Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now