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"Martinus I'm sorry!" I try to yell after him but he doesn't listen. I sigh and turn around. I see Marcus standing behind me. He just pushes past me and goes after his brother.

I decide to go find Jake, he's the only person who doesn't hate me at the moment. I walk down the hallway while everyone still have their eyes on me.

I find Jake and sit next to him. He moves a little further away. What the hell?

"Jake?" I say confused.

"Martinus told me to stay away from you." He says not even looking at me. "Well actually he said stay the hell away from my girl or I'll break your nose." He corrects himself.

"I'm not even together with him anymore and he has made it clear that he doesn't want me back." I say.

"Sorry Jenny, I don't wanna wreck up my face. But maybe we could meet after school at my place?" He says.

"Yea of course." I respond. Then Jake gets up and leaves. Oh great, I'll get to be with him after school but in school I'm going to be all alone.

Wait! Martinus said that in his girl even after what I did. Maybe he will take me back after all. I'll just have to let him cool off a bit.
I put my hair in a bun and go downstairs. I put on my shoes and coat.

"Where are you going?" Martinus asks behind me when I open the door.

"What? Um just out for a walk." I say.

"Oh, bye." He says and walks to the living room. I look after him with a confused face for a while and walk out the door.

I go over to Jake's house and knock on the door. Not long after he opens it and lets me in.

"I'm sorry about the way I acted in school. It's just that I would really wanna keep my nose the way it is." He says scratching the back of his head.

"Hey it's okay. I understand, you have a nice nose." I chuckle.

"You have a nice face." He says.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, let's go to my room, come." He says and quickly goes upstairs. I go after him.

We're sitting on his bed watching Netflix. We are both leaning on the wall. It's kind of uncomfortable so I lay down. Jake lays down too and puts his other arm around me. I glance at him but don't move away.

"What's the time?" I ask after a while.

"It's nine o'clock." Jake answers. I get up from his arms and stand up.

"I think I have to go now." I say.

"Can I walk you home? It's already pretty dark out." Jake asks. I smile at him and nod. We go downstairs and put on our shoes and coats. I open the door and we step out to the cold.

"Thanks for walking me home." I say turning to Jake. I have my hands in my pockets because it's super cold. Jake doesn't say anything, he just looks at me with a grin on his face.

"So are things really over with Martinus?" He suddenly asks.

"I think so." I answer confused by his sudden curiosity.

"Then it may be okay for me to do this." He says and before I can even say anything he connects his lips with mine. I almost immediately push him away.

"I'm sorry Jake, you're nice but I think this is a bad idea." I say and go inside. Before I step in I swear I can are someone in the window but when I go in nobody's there.

I go to the kitchen and see Emma and Marcus eating. I decide to join them cause I'm a bit hungry anyways.

"So how was Jake?" Marcus asks without even raising his head from his phone and continues eating his cereal.

"How did you know I was with him?" I ask.

"I saw you. And so did Martinus." Marcus says. I gulp. Oh no. That's not good.

"W-what exactly did you see?" I ask. I can feel my hands getting sweaty out of being nervous.

"We saw the kiss Jenny." Marcus says finally turning his head to me. I can feel the color leaving my face.

"Oh my god, no. This can't be happening." I say and rush upstairs. I knock on Martinus' door but he doesn't answer, of course.

"Martinus open the door please." I say still knocking.

"Stop knocking, you'll break the door!" He yells. Oh god Gunnarsen grow up. I roll my eyes and try to open the door. It's locked, of course.

"I'm sorry Martinus." I say and leave. I go back down. I sit by the table and start eating. Actually I just stare at my cereal cause I don't feel like eating.

"He still loves you, you just messed up. Trust me, everything will be okay." Marcus says. I try to put on a smile but it's kinda hard.

"Thanks Marcus." I say. I get up and put my bowl in the sink. Then I go up to my room. I decide to go to sleep, I wanna wake up from this nightmare.

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(un)happy // Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now