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The long day of school is finally over. I can't wait to get home. And do my homework. And be alone. In my room.

Sounds good doesn't it? I decide not to go home yet so I turn around and start heading over to Jake's. I reach his house but stop when I get there.

I feel like I'm always there and I think he needs some time alone too so I just keep going. I go to the Trofors' only café, which is actually a gas station and order a hot chocolate.

It's actually kinda nice spending some time alone. I mean as long as it's not in school or anything.

I make my homework at the café/gas station and when I'm done I go back home. The dinner is already done so I just sit by the table and start eating.

When I'm done I help Anne to clean the table and put the dishes in the washer. Then Emma wants to play with me so I go to her room.

We have been playing for a while and it's already Emma's bedtime. I tuck her in and read her a story. She's nine but she still likes to be read to because it helps her sleep.

I go to my room and decide to go to bed too. It doesn't do me any harm if I get enough sleep for once.
School is finally ending. I put away my books that I don't need at home and leave the school building.

I'm focusing on my phone so I don't actually see anything that's happening around me.

Suddenly I feel someone grabbing me and lifting me up in the air.

"Let me go!" I yell and try to get out.

"Oh don't you like me anymore?" That has to be Marcus. He lets me down and I turn around and hug him.

"Hey Marcus." I smile. "Of course I like you, I just didn't know it was you."

"Thanks Jens. I thought you would know me by the way I lift you up by know." He says and pretends to be hurt.

Martinus walks next to me from somewhere with his other hand behind his back.

"A beautiful rose for the beautiful girl with rose colored cheeks thanks to the cold weather." He says handing me another rose. I just, wow.

"How many roses are you gonna get me?" I ask taking it.

"As many as needed." He says with that incredibly cute smile of his. I just chuckle and give him a hug too.

We start heading home, together. The boys tell me all about their little trip and the concert. I listen to their stories and laugh with them.

Before we reach their, well, our house the boys suddenly start a snow fight. I try not to be a part of it but when I feel a snowball hit the back of my head I join them.

After a while of playing in the snow like some little kids we finally get up and go inside. I go up and place the rose next to the other three roses.
I went over to Jake's because I had nothing to do home. Marcus and Martinus are just unpacking and they have some meetings on Skype about their upcoming concerts etc.

"I'm sorry Jake I just can't concentrate." I say and put down the controller. We're playing Mario with his Wii U. It's one of my faves but my head is on Martinus.

"It's okay." He says and shuts the game. "So do you wanna do something else?"

"No, I have to go home." I get up from the couch. "I'll see you tomorrow are school." I go to the hall and put on my shoes and run out.

I run all the way home. I know what I have to do. And what I should do.

When I get home I throw my shoes off my feet, the other accidentally hits Marcus in the head who has come to see what I'm doing.

"Where's Martinus?" I ask.

"In his room, why?" Marcus says but I just run up not even answering him.

I knock on Martinus' door. He doesn't open it right away so I knock again.

This time he opens it and not even thinking for a second I crash my lips to his.

(un)happy // Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now