Chapter 9: Christmas Eve

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Normani Phillips POV
I walked out of Traci's house and made my way to where Curtis was in his car. He got out of his car and gave me a hug. I smiled and he smiled back making me a little nervous.

"Hey." He spoke.

"Hey, how've you been?" I asked.

"I've been good, you?".

"I've been great. Where's my man?" I looked in the car.

"He's fast asleep." Curtis pointed at his son.

"We went to my moms today and he got tired out." He laughed just looking at him.

"You heading home?" I put my hands into my pocket.

"Yeah." He nodded his head.

"Why don't you come in, it's cold out here." He shook a little.


He opened the car door for me and I got inside. Once he closed the door, it was immediately warm. My body took in the warmth and soon, I was feeling okay. I looked at Calvin who was asleep and I smiled instantly.

"Okay, what did you wanna talk about?" He asked.

"Okay, my friends and I were organising a 3 day trip on 5th January. I know you've got work and Calvin to look after but I was wondering if you wanted to come seeing as everybody is bringing their friend.".

"Where are y'all going?" He looked down at his phone.

"Spain." I looked out of the window.

"Sorry about that. Mama wanted to know if I got home yet." He pointed at the phone.

"It's cool.." I smiled.

"Er...January 5th. I thought we were gonna chill that day?" He scratched his head.

"Yeah, I know. We could chill in Spain, though." I shrugged.

"I don't think I'll be able to come. I'm sorry, Normani. I've got this huge offer going on at work and I know that many of my clients will be there. Then I need to look after Calvin too." He looked at me.

"It's alright. I just wanted to see. I promise you that we could hang out when I come back." I twisted my lips to the side.

"I pinky swear.".

"Alright." He wrapped his pinky around mine.

"I better get going." He said.

"Yeah, you text me when you get home so that I know you're okay." I tell him.

"I sure will do." He started the car.

"Tell my man that I said hi." I looked back at Calvin.

"See you later." After coming out of his car, I walked to the front door where Traci opened it for me.

"You're rude as hell! How can you not introduce me to your friend?" She rolled her neck.

"You didn't ask." I laughed.

I woke up and smiled, knowing that it was now Christmas Eve. I got up and out of my bed, making my way to the bathroom to take care of my personal hygiene. After that, I went to my closet and pulled out my outfit for today. It started snowing a couple days back and it just sets the mood, literally. After wearing my clothes, I grabbed my suitcase that I had packed yesterday and left for Papa's house. Once I had made it there, everyone was here. Even my Aunt Suzie and my cousins had arrived.

"Ah! My girl." Aunt Suzie pulled me into a hug.

"Aunt Suzie!" I grinned.

"How've you been? Ça va?" She smiled.

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