My New Neighbour by harryscurls0307

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My New Neighbour by harryscurls0307


Sarah-Jane is a normal 17 year old. Good grades and a happy family. But there's one thing she doesn't have with is love. When she moves from Australia to Ireland, she will meet her new neighbour Niall Horan. Will there be love or hate? Find out in My New Neighbour.

Rating: 8/10


My opinion:

This is quite good but I prefer your other stories. You should definitely keep it going as it has lots of amazing potential. As it goes on it gets a lot more interesting. I think the start dragged a little as the main story appears like it should be about her and Niall but you do loads on her friends but it's good because it gives background information. Keep this going please! As I am starting to enjoy it more and more as you have developed it. I see lots of potential. Keep going!

This book has been deleted by the author

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