Resilience by bnav13

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Resilience by bnav13


"I thought I knew him. I thought we were friends... Maybe even something more." Bianca Drew has lived most of her life inside closed walls. Other than school she has never left the glorious mansion, desperately trying to hide from her past and the dark memories that await. However, the past always has a way of catching up with the future ,no matter how fast you try to outrun it. When Bianca finally learns to trust again her trust is misfortunately broken. Even time can't heal her wounds properly now; but she's not backing down. She is determined to find out why he tainted their friendship. The only person she allowed herself to trust again. But what she doesn't realise is that he could hold the answer to the mission that has been taking up her whole life. A mission that may well have been why she was in such a situation now.

Rating: 10/10


My opinion:

I'm impressed! Just from the description we are drawn in as readers as it creates a lot of suspense and intrigue. It starts at a scene that keeps you reading with lots of drama. Another thing I like is how you haven't told the names or what they have done of certain characters adding more curiosity from the readers as they want to read on to to find out. You have built it up for what looks like an amazing story. Keep it going!!

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