The schedual

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I woke up the next morning in a state of confusion. I heard voices from the room next to me. I layed my ear on the wall and listened closely "I'm not saying that I don't think she is worthy of your affection, I'm simply telling you to be carefull with who you choose. She's from the states, right?" "Ella is from Italy, but that didn't stop you did it?" "She's 24, this chick is 19 man! She lives with her mother. She will come look for her. Or send FBI for fucks sake!" "That won't happen. I won't let it." Suddenly someone grabbed the doorknob and the door opened up. In stormed the guy from last night. "Who are you?" I shouted and pulled the blanket over my head. "I'm Justin," he replied and sat down on the bed I was currently lying on. "How old are you?" "I'm 25." 25?! Oh God. "Where are you from?" "Here" I raised an eyebrow. "And where is that, exactly?" "New Mexico." "Who were you talking with in there?" "Just a friend." "Is he a member of your gang?" "My gang?" He said, confused as hell. "Isn't that what this is? A gang kidnapping me." "Weell... Yes, but look at it diffrently tough. You get to be a part of this. Nice dresses, power, all the money in the world, excitment every night in the best city in the world." "I wanna go back to the hotel to see my friend Daniella." "I'm afraid we can't let that happen." "Why?" "It's not safe. But hey, I'll interoduce you to your new bestfriends! Ella, Chloe, come here!" Three brief seconds after he had called two girls showed up. I had seen one of them before. The girl who approached me last night. And then a girl with brown hair and gorgerous, green, sparkly eyes. He explained to me that the girl from yesterday was Ella, and that the other one was Chloe. Behind them stood two guys. Justin introduced the guy behind Chloe as Spencer Collins, and the guy behind Ella as Jack Pierce. Jack had black hair and blue eyes. He looked extreamly angry and dangerous. Spencer had brown hair and blue eyes, and looked strong and brave. They both looked like the lifguards of the girls they were standing behind. But they were most likley just kidnapped, like me. There were to other guys in the room too. Hunter Hill was a pale brownhaired dude from Britain with a good education and a creepy smile. Eric Mitchell was a short chubby guy who only were there because of his cousin Jack. They explained to me that what they were doing was important for society, yet illegal as hell. It involved druguse, guns and robbery. And I got told that if I tried to run away, they would shoot and attack me. My job was being written on a blackboard in the livingroom. I would wake up at 8 am every morning to make breakfast. Then Justin would have the right to do what he wanted with me from 9 am until 10 am, when he would go to "work" and then from 10 am until 12 pm I would hang out with the other girls, here at home. Then the guys would take us for lunch in the underground to meet up with some important buisnesscontacts. From 12 pm to 1 pm I had to drugdeal in sentrum. From 1 pm to 2 pm I was free. I would "work" from 2 pm until 5 pm, and then I would have to dress up for an extraavagant dinner out. From 7 pm til 9 pm we planned workstuff, and then we girls would have to "entertain" the guys until 10, when we could talk with eachother and use the pool and bar. Bedtime was 12 am. It was a pretty detailed plan. And I didn't like it. But I could not protest. I was his chosen one. I had no choise whatever. I sighed and went to bed again. The others left to give me some privacy, and then Justin layed down beside me and stroke my hair until I fell asleep.

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