Bestie kidnapped, mom dead

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When I woke up, I found myself in a little white room getting fed by a tube while someone was injecting som shit into my arms. The pain was so bad, you couldn't even imagine how it felt, so I'm not gonna try to explain. I tried screaming, but I was to week to do so. A little gurgeling sound came out of my mouth letting the nurse know I was awake, making her call for another nurse to tell me what was going on. "You have been depressed for a long time, a little bird whispered into my ears," "Um, sure." I sad and desided that I was going to go with it. "And last night, you stabbed yourself in the back with a kitchen knife, trying to take your own life, after drinking a lot of red whine." Now hold on. What? I was not suicidal. I was not even depressed at all, really. At least not for a long time. I remember who put that knife into my back. A man with dark hair and the devils smile. The man that raped me, and spied on me for hours, maybe even longer. Justin had something with this to do, that was for sure. And to not put everyone in a bad light, he said red whine instead of pot. I got it. But why would he save the enemy? "Ok, Sarah, this won't hurt," she said and put another needle into my body. It fucking hurt. Like, alot. Sarah? Oh great. He had given me a new name to. The nurses smiled at me, and then they told me that they had to go run some tests, and told me to stay calm and not to hurt myself. "There are cameras here. And a red button for you to press whenever you need help, ok?" "Ok," I said, and they bailed on me. Five seconds later the door went up and Jacks crazy eyes met mine. He ran towards me, got down on his knees and whispered into my ear. "Elise, this is an emergency. Your mother is here. Shes brought Daniella. And now they are coming. I did not even get a chance to digest these news until my mother and my bestfriend together with the swedish night time lover of hers stood on the doorstep. They did not come any closer. Daniella held onto her swedish sweethearts arm so tight that her knuckles went white. My moms mascara was all over the place, and her clothes were filthy, which indicated that she had fell. My mother started crying, and ran towards me. She started hugging me and blaming herself for getting me here. Daniella was paralyzed. She did not move a bit. Almost like she was scared of me. Then again, she had just been told that I was an alcoholic with suicidal toughts who hang out with a mysterious mexican. And Jack looked like a freak standing there with blood under his nails and on his shirt. Stefan looked creeped out and uncomfortable. Like this did not happen in Sweden. It probably didn't. My mother took my head in her hands and said: I love you, honey. Those were her last words. I saw the blood running down the floor making her white kashmir sweater red and ruined. I heard Daniella scream when the men in black took her and Stefan away to God knows where. I heard Jacks pitty. I saw the nurses cry. I hear Justin trying to talk to me, I felt Ellas hug. But nothing they could say or do could stop me from getting up from my bed, rip the needles out and go trought the window. And run. Far, far away from this fucked up place.

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