Drugdealing and kidnapping

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I woke up the next morning with a headache, and a lust for going out. Taking a nice bath in the ocean. But I couldn't. I was trapped here, and had to do twice the amount of chores because we were only two girls here at the moment. I was wondering if Spencer was going to replace her. Ella assured me that he would. I was so nervous. This would be my first day drugdealing. I did not know what to expect. What would the people be like? I did not wan't to overthink it. Just do it. Don't let your toughts get the best of you, Elise. You've got this! Trying to pump myself up didn't work. Instead I just got more and more nervous. Ella was dealing on the upper east-side. I got the westcoast. Spencer drove me there at 1 PM. Just dumped me of and gave me some bags of different toxics and a pricelist. "I'll pick you up in a couple of hours," he said, and drove away faster than a leopard on acid. There was so much dirt all around me. Rats, and filth. No one there. Just me. Until a pretty girl with red hair and huge bags under her eyes came and wanted to know how much some oxyn cotton would cost her. I gave it to her, and then she kissed me softly on the lips as a thank you. She was not the last one doing that that day. A guy with a bunch of sores and no teeth wanted meth. A hooker asked for heroin. And a bunch of hippies needed weed. Then it was quiet for a while. Nothing to be heard. So I sat down in a pile of mud and sighed. Then something crazy happened. Out of nowhere, a man in black appered with a gun. "Raise your hands. Don't speak. Don't run. Freeze and do as I say!" The blood in my vaina froze to ice and I gasped, doing as he said to avoid death. "Give us all of your drugs!" I did. "Now, get undressed." "What?" "You heard me. When you have done this, the only thing left on you will be a bra and a thong, yeah?" I was so scared, so I did as he said. He put some extra strong ducktape over my mouth. Binded my hands together. They took a step back, and pulled out their guns. This is the end of me, I remember thinking, and a single tear ran down my cheek landing in the mudpile my face was currently facing. "We'll shoot you in 1-2 -" Then something strange happened. The three mens eyes got wide, and their bodies fell to the ground while blood ran towards me. I froze completley. Who had shot and killed these men? And where they after me. Of course they were. It was probably the mexican police. Didn't they tend to be violent at times, just like the cops at home. I closed my eyes, and pictured death. So simple. So peaceful. Hurtfree. Painfree. Careless. Maybe death wouldn't be so bad, after all. Then someone wake me up from my fantasies. Someone, a girl with black hair who flew in the wind ran against me. Ella. She was crying hysterically, and embraced me. "I should have taken the eastside. It's the most dangerous one!" She cried into my arms. "How did you find me?" "I didn't. Jack is a hunter. He can find everything and everyone with a chip. They gave you a chip the day they took you." She added when I lifted an eyebrow. Spencer, Jack and Justin came running towards us, and then Jack mumbled something like: "Justin took care of it," and Ella pulled me towards the huge black van I once got kidnapped by. Three weeks ago, actually. "I'll excplain everything tonight," Justin whispered into my ear. "It's not safe here." He started driving, faster than ever before.

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