Raped and killed?

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That morning, when I woke up, I had a feeling that this was gonna be the worst day of my life. I was damn right. I woke up with a bad headache and sores all over my damn body. Where did those cuts come from? Long, open, bloody cuts. Drawn with a knife, or a razor. Did someone do this to me? Or did I do this to myself? I was not positive. I had never heard of anyone selfharming in their sleep before. I wasn't someone who used to selfharm either. Not back in LA, were I had a perfectly fine life. But this was different. Everybody hated me here. Justin used me as a doll which he liked to kiss. Thankfully, that was as far as he went. But Ella was right. He would sleep with me edventually. And when he would, I would no longer be a virgin, no longer innocent. I was terrfied of the tought of rape. Him on top of me, all night long. It would be more romantic if he wasn't doped and drunk all night. I knew where they stored the meth, and the heroin. The pot too, but the stronger ones were hidden away some place only he knew. And Spencer, and Jack ofcourse. But Ella and the other guys were blank. I felt like smoking some pot today. See what it was like. I found it in the bathroom drawer right next to the sink, and lit it on fire with a lighter from my bacpocket. It tasted like grass, and had a smokey flavour hidden in it, and I really enjoyed the level of calmness it took me to. I fixed my hair, and while I was brushing my teeth, my phone plinged. I grabbed it, and looked at the text I had gotten. "The countdown starts now. I am gonna take you. Were gonna do it my way tonight." My blood froze to ice in my weins, and I dropped my phone on the floor. What. I read the text over and over again as my eyes turned wider and wider. This man (or woman) was gonna take me tonight and DO ME his way. Who was this? Why was this happening? Who could I tell? Justin? No way. He would just get mad and smash things. Ella? No way. She would start crying again. She cries alot these days. Who else? I don't trust anyone else in this damn gang. I want to get out of here. Out of all of this. Each and every day that passea by kills me a little more on the inside. I desided to take a breath and text back. Who are you? What do you want from me? I felt my mouth getting dry and my stomach turning while I waited on the bathroom floor with the pot in my hands. He answeared quickly. You don't know me. I know you damn well. 8 hours till countdown ends. I started feeling nausious. What the hell was this? Whi the hell was this? Tell me right now, or else I'll call the police, and tell Justin to find you. He answeared five minutes later. Oh, I don't worry about that. You wont tell a soul, unless you want me to tell Justin about you smoking pot. I litteraly dropped the pot on the floor, almost starting a fire when it hit the roll of toiletpaper. This man was watching me right now. I couldnt stay here. Had to go away. So I went downstairs only to find Ella crying over something she refused to share with me. Again. So I asked if she wanted to eat lunch on the balcony, sine the gus were playing poker with an english lord for lunch. She nodded, and I made beautiful oatmeal with the best fruits in the whole wide world, and fresh spinach smoothie. I like nutrience, ok? We talked about everything but the problems. Thats usually how people in our industry get by. By ignoring the heartache and moving on. Joking and laughing the pain away. It usually works for a second or two, but leaves you heartbroken later on. It aint no talking it out over here. Just denial and forgetting. I tought everything was fine. But then, when Ella was inside to make some more smoothie, I got another text. 7 hours till countdown. I spat my drink out on the floor. Oh boy, this wouldnt end, would it? Justin came home three hours later. I had then recieved three new texts. 4 hours till countdown. The clock was 8 PM, and the guys took us out to a fancy dinner were we had to talk to the lady they were planing on killing and raping later that night. When it was time to kill, they asked us to leave. I had then gotten two new texts. 2 hours till countdown. I felt the lump in my trout getting bigger and bigger. I almost felt like threwing up. Ella went to bed the second we got home. She said she was tired, but I am pretty sure she just wanted to cry in peace before Jack came home at 1 AM to sleep with her against her will. I respected that. But I did not want to be alone in the room while this guy was waiting to come for me. To calm myself down, I desided to smoke some more weed. That totally got time flying, infact, the last text I recived said: Countdown has started, get ready, bitch.

The door got tore open by a tall guy with several scars and black hair. I gasped and layed down on the bed, not knowing what to do. So this was real. All of this. He came. And now he was going to do me. He put handcuffs on me, and tied me down to the bed. He put a towel in front of my head and some ducktape in front of my mouth. He tore of my clothes, along with his own. I was naked, and voulnarable. He looked at me with evil in his eyes while he took his position. He was on top, I was the bottom. He put it in. No condom. In my mouth. No spitting. He licked mine. Voulenterly. He felt my knockers. I hated it. I felt like inwas going to barf, when he took the ducktape off and kissed me slowley. I bitchslapped him the second he unleashed me from those handcuffs. He smiled. "Ok. If you disobey me, this is the price you'll pay. I'll go for the gorgerous italian instead." Then he took a knife out of nowhere and stabbed me in the back. I gasped for air. But everyone knows that you cant breath without air, and as he laughed evily, my vision went away. And everything turned black. I heard the sirense of a police car. A big punch and then no more. Just silence.

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