The Stocholm Syndrom will occur

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I later got to find out that they dumped her body in the south pacific without even taking her to the hospital first. It was to risky, since she wasn't a mexican citican, and since drugs was the case. Her criminal record were outstandinly high too. But we did decide to have a funeral for her. We dresses up in black and went mourning by the ocean. Ella and I picked flowers and wrote notes about how great she was, even tough it felt wrong, since I didn't know her properly. Ella cried, and Spencer was extreamly angry all the time. He'd snap for everything. When Ella poured the syrup over his pancakes this morning, he screamed to her that she put to much on it. If it hadn't been for Jack, he'd probably slap her too. Ella started crying in Jack's arms, and then the other suddendly had to "leave the room for reasons only they knew." The only one totally calm about this was Justin. He didn't say a word. He didn't leave, nor did he cry our seemingly mourn. This could only mean two things: He was strong, brave and used to seeing things like this, or the fact that he was a total psychopath. But how do someone get used to seeing someone die like that? I have had nightmares about it all week long. I wake up coldsweating in the middle of the night, screaming until my troath hurts. Then Justin comes in. Tries to calm me down. Hold his hand in front of my mouth. Dry away the tears with his hand. I have oftened wondered why he does this. Does he really like me? Am I not just an object meant to please him to him? I don't know. Was Jack like this towards Ella? Did Spener truly love Chloe? "Not enough to keep her away from the meth, that's for sure," someone said behind me. I was sitting at the edge of the pool in the middle of the night. I did not expect someone to show up. I tried to see in the dark, but couldn't. Altough, I was pretty sure that Ella was the person talking to me. "Did I say the last thing out loud?" I asked her. "Mhm." "Oh... Did he show her meth?" "Yeah. She was supposed to deal it, not to take it. The temptation was too strong, I guess." "Did she do it often?" "No, I think that was her first and last time." She sat down next to me. She took a breath, and then she said: "Drugs are terrible. You have to promise me you won't take it! Even when he asks you. When he makes you deal it, tomorrow. Don't taste. Just sell, that's our motto, you see." "That wasn't usual meth, was it?" "No. It was not. It was much stronger, and it was mixed with something we can't, but are trying to identify." "Ella?" "Yes, Ellie." "Can I ask you something a bit more personal?" "Um, sure I guess?" "Why are you doing this, and how long have you been doing it? What do you do exactly, and where are you from?" "Wow, well that was a mouthfull." She smiled breafly, and then she continued: "I do this because I have no choice. They won't hasitate shooting me if i resist or rebell. I have been doing this for five years now. I am not allowed to tell you what exactly I do, only that it is higly illegal, and that they will tell you when the time is right. It involves murder, robbing and drugs. You lose your identity. Become a psychopat. A murderer. I have killed tens of people. Maybe even a hundred. I have ruined so many life, and for every life I ruin, it tears me up a little on the inside. I am not sure how much longer I can take this. I am from Italy. I was poor, because I was an orphin, and my abusive godather took "care" of me in his "home" until I turned 18, and he kicked me out. On my birthday. I had nowhere to go, and I was afriad of starving. So then, when a mexican couple asked me to come work as their servant here in this city, I said yes. One night, Jack and the boys showed up. Killed the couple. Took me. The big talk in 09'. You may recall reading about it. I am the missing girl from that case. They brought me here. Offered me money. I could not resist. And I have been her since." What she just had told me was a lot to take in. I read about that case. And now I was talking to the missing girl, Adriana. I asked her if Adriana Garcia was her real name. She nodded. "Can I ask you one last thing?" "Sure," she wispered while looking down on her feet. "How is your relationship with Jack? How does it work?" "He hits me. Rapes me. Missuses me. Treats me wrong in every way. Chloe was treated that way to. Like a sexdoll. A slave without needs and feelings." We sat quiet for a second Then she stood up and left, with the words: "Take care, going to bed now." I followed her in. Did not wan't to sit there alone in the dark anymore. Was it just me, or was it getting colder. I changed into underwear and layed down on the bed. Right in that moment, Justin came in, with blood on his hands. He washed them for a long time in boiling water, while I watched. "Justin... you understand that I can never love you, right?" He stopped up, and looked at me. "Oh, time will teach you how to love me honey." "No, I'm pretty sure I can't love a psychopatic murderer who kidnapped me." "The Stocholm Syndrom will edventually make you, darling." "It won't." "Oh, it will. He came towards me crawling like a sexy tiger and whispered into my ear with the sexiest voice I had every heard in my life. "Kiss me." "No." "I don't think you heard me." "KISS ME!" He punched the pillow, and then he forced me down and pressed his lips against mine. When he was done, he smiled like a demon, and layed down beside me. "I think that's enough for today," he said, while turning away from me. I agreed. It was way more than enough.

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