Bad News

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Hope this works out well :) This is the first person x reader fanfiction I've ever done...
This is an old

-- Kura-chan --


It wasn't every day that you met up with a blood thirsty killer, but today was one of those days. You were waiting patiently and anxiously twirling your (h/c) hair between your fingers and looking out at the tree-filled park before you.

You had spoken to him on the phone around ten minutes ago; Killua Zoldyck, part of a family of well-known assassins. Of course, this fact did scare you a little bit. However, the phone call was urgent, scaring you more than the basic fact that Killua was an ex-assassin. He had spoken in a hushed tone, almost desperate to get something off his chest.


You woke up groggy, picking up your phone and slowly answering its beckoning call.

"Hello?" Your throat was scratchy, it being early in the morning.

"Hello, ___? Is that you?"

"Who else would it be?" You sat up in your bed, rubbing your eyes and looking at the clock. It was around ten o'clock in the morning. Killua never called you before twelve.

"Good. I need to meet up with you; it's...kinda important..." His voice died off at the end, as if his train of thought interrupted his words.

"Sure...Where will we meet?"

"We'll meet at the top of the hill in the park at the town. I promise to tell you everything once we meet. I need to go now, I'll see you soon."

Killua hung up as you sighed slightly, putting your phone at your bedside table. Today was going to be a long day.

~End Flashback~

You sighed, looking at what you had thrown on to meet the assassin with. You were wearing a normal red top with some skinny jeans. The park bench you were sitting on began to get uncomfortable, but you didn't care. Killua was your friend, and if he had something he needed to tell you, you would wait patiently until he said it.

While sitting on the bench, your mind began to get lost with the scenery of the park. The sun seemed to smile on everything it touched as it made the grass seem greener, the trees seem brighter and the horizon line was magnificent. You stared at everything in a hazy day dream as you continued to wind your hair between your fingers, smiling to yourself slightly.

Taking out your phone, you decided to look at the time. "Ten thirty five..." You muttered, putting it back in its place.

Where was he? Looking around, you saw no sign of him. The park was practically empty at this time of the day, too. Seeing as it was a Saturday, you thought it would be a little bit busier. Maybe it was the time of day.

You kept yourself occupied by staring at your surroundings. A small chatter at the back of your mind told you something was wrong, but you hid it from your expression. Killua's probably just having trouble getting here, I mean, he does live quite far away. You tried to reassure yourself, but yet again, something pricked at the back of your mind. You stood up and dusted yourself off. The pressure was too much. You had to find out what was causing your stomach to churn.

Walking to the right, you took some pressure off of yourself as you saw a silver haired boy in the distance. Oh, he was just running late. You sighed, relief sweeping over you as you ran over to him.

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