One More Day

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He couldn’t take his wide, scarlet eyes off of your gaze. He was probably angry that you had found out – he probably never wanted anybody to find out about his secret; but you just happened to stumble upon him committing the act.

It was as if he was frozen in shock, and your body was doing the same. When you finally realised what was happening, you sighed deeply.


“...I’m so sorry, ___.”

“No, no don’t apologize! Just...tell me why.”

“...I can’t stop the memories of the feeling... the feeling I had when I killed him.

“Who…?” You took a hesitant step closer to the blond, scared in case he did something irrational.

“...I...killed one of the troupe...His name is Uvogin. I...I murdered him. I can’t forget the feeling of the blood on my hands...The blood that wasn’t mine. If I just...made the blood mine...I could forgive myself...”

“Kurapika, that’s idiotic! Don’t you know what you’re doing to yourself?!” You exclaimed.

“I know what I’m doing too well, ___. I’m killing for revenge. I can’t go on; it’s breaking me.”

“I’m getting Leorio, Kurapika. You need him at a time like this, and he needs to know this-“

“No, ___! He’ll-“

“I don’t care! He can do what he bloody wants, you can’t go on, not like this!”

You quickly rushed out of the bathroom and down the stairs. I’m doing this for a friend in need; I’m doing this for him. He has to see that he needs Leorio...he needs him!

Without another thought, you opened the living room door to see that Killua, Leorio and Gon were sitting down and discussing something. They all looked over at you.

“___, you shouldn’t be-“

Before Killua could finish, you glared at Leorio, “Bathroom. Now. He needs you.”

Without another word, Leorio got up and rushed upstairs. He knows what’s going wonder he got up so quickly.

You sighed deeply and fell onto your couch, looking at Killua and Gon as they stared at you. Sure, you were still a little sick, but you felt alright. Although the look in Killua’s eyes made you feel queasy anyway.

“Stop looking at me like that,” You glared at him.

He sighed in defeat and rolled his eyes, shrugging. “Like what? You’re the one that shouldn’t even be up.”

“Yes, but to be honest, if I didn’t get up then Kurapika would be in serious danger, so it’s a good thing I did decide to get up.”

“What kind of danger are you talking about?” He was clearly confused, but intrigued at the same time. The way he spoke said it all.

“I don’t think I can tell you just yet, for privacy’s sake,” You murmured, “But I do know that if he keeps going on like this he isn’t going to last…”

“Then we should do all we can to help him!” Gon exclaimed, switching his gaze from you to Killua and then to the ground. “For the sake of Leorio…”

“Not just Leorio,” You corrected him, “For everyone. We’re all really worried, and Kurapika knows that.”

“But he can’t stop now that he’s started, he knows that too,” Killua sighed deeply.

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