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~Killua’s P.O.V~

Gon and Killua had decided that the best plan of action was to split up. After all, the main reason they were even in York Shin was for the auction; for Kurapika. Since Kurapika couldn’t afford to miss the auction, it was the best plan of action to just split up into twos. Killua wasn’t so sure about leaving Kurapika on his own, so Leorio stayed with Kurapika.

Right now, the two boys were walking down a dirt path that would hopefully lead them to an array of abandoned buildings; and hopefully you were amongst them.

Killua was getting anxious. He was really worried. He didn’t realise that Gon kept giving him sly glances to check if he was actually alright; he was too focused on what was happening elsewhere.

“Hey, Killua...” Gon said; stopping his walk and making Killua do the same. Killua looked at Gon, hands in pockets, wondering what he was to say. “We’ll find her.” Gon smiled.

Killua couldn’t help but smile back. Gon was too charming to not smile to. Killua ruffled his friend’s spiky hair before talking to him, “I know.”

They both continued onwards, hoping to reach the buildings soon before anything horrible happened. Killua had an idea of who kidnapped you, but he kept it silent and waited for his fears to be either confirmed or to be trampled upon. He knew one thing for certain; Hisoka was involved.


Killua watched and shouted your name as you ran away hastily; from what, he did not know. He ran to catch up with you, disregarding everyone else around them. Killua ran quickly outside of the hotel, rushing by the people you had hastily knocked over.

He suddenly stopped, his eyes widening. He saw you being dragged off by Hisoka. He instantly ran to Hisoka, electricity coursing through him; quite literally. He was angry and he wanted to kill Hisoka; and he wanted to do it now.

When Killua got to Hisoka, however, he was shocked when he realised that ... Hisoka was nowhere to be seen. Killua mentally cursed himself and fell to the ground, shouting out your name; hoping and begging for you to return. You never came back.

~Flashback End~

It was a silent trip to the huge array of buildings. It had been one hour since the boys started travelling; and now they were there...the search truly began. Just which building were you in? It was impossible to tell straight away.

A sudden scream was heard from the right side of all of the buildings. The boys looked at each other, “It’s her.” They both said.

Killua ran to the building; hoping that it wasn’t too late.

~Your P.O.V~

You screamed as your body got thrown about like a rag doll by the fur-covered man, which you had found out, is called Uvogin. Your vision went blurry with tears as your cried and coughed blood.

“Where the hell are they?!” He roared, taking out all of his anger on you and you alone. He had been using you as a punch bag for around five minutes now; bruises were everywhere on your body and your wound from when Killua stuck his hand through your stomach had reopened. You really couldn’t handle anymore.

“Uvo, calm down!” Shalnark said, trying to calm his friend, “We can’t kill the hostage, not yet!”

Please kill me, You thought, just do it already. You could feel your blood sticking to your clothing as you lay on the ground; a helpless mess.

Uvo looked at Shalnark, “But you know I’m not patient!” He roared once more, picking you up by your hair. You screamed; the pain was unbearable just to move. He then flung you across the building; which would make you fly out of it, if it weren’t for someone catching you at the last second.

“___!” A familiar voice rang in your ears. You opened your eyes to see a familiar white mess of hair.

“...Kil...lua...” You muttered, coughing up some more blood. You were absolutely stained with the liquid.

You couldn’t see how angry he was. He passed you on to Gon who sat you down and stayed with you. The boys didn’t seem to need words; that’s how close they were. You smiled slightly at their innocence, but were quickly reminded of the aching pain you felt.

Shouting in pain, Gon moved you forward slightly and untied your hands. You moved them forward to be in front of you; they were stiff and sore from being behind your back for so long.

You let your eyes hastily droop as you fell unconscious; mostly from blood loss and pain.

~Killua’s P.O.V~

Killua was now really angry upon seeing you. You were covered in blood, and by the looks of it, it was your own blood. He was more than angry; he was pissed; so pissed that he could kill everyone in the room.

He looked around to see that Shalnark and Uvo were the only ones in the room. He knew others were here before; they must have left. Killua knew that he couldn’t kill them. Oh no; that was for Kurapika, and he wasn’t to get involved. He wished he could just rip them apart, but a simple warning would do for now. He had to get you to safety; and fast.

“Do you know...what happens...when you take my girlfriend and hurt her?” He mumbled, just audible for everyone to hear. He walked forward, and with every step he took electricity coursed through his body.

“Oooh...” Shalnark whistled, “What?”

Killua looked at Uvo and Shalnark with a death glare; which he knew they would find funny, “I’ll kill you.”

In a flash of an electric shock, Killua, Gon and you were gone; vanished from their sight and never to be seen or heard from again.

~Your P.O.V~

You had been out for at least twenty four hours; and everyone was starting to get worried. The auction was a success; Kurapika got what he wanted with Leorio’s help. The only people that died were that of innocence, and now the group needed to hunt down the Phantom Troupe; not only because they hurt you, but because of the innocent lives they stole at the auction and for the Kurta Clan. It was all for revenge.

When you opened your eyes, everyone was crowding around you. Worry all struck at their faces as they watched you slowly open your glazy (e/c) eyes and stare at them. You were still covered in blood; none of them had the courage to wash a girl, seeing as they were all boys.

 You first spotted Gon, and so you smiled slightly. You then saw Killua, and you confirmed that he was alright. You had been awake for a while now; but you couldn’t open your eyes straight away, so you let your mind wonder about how Killua and Gon were; if they were alright, if any of your kidnappers hurt them etc.

“___...” Killua smiled. Everyone backed off and went into the other hotel room that Leorio had got for you, leaving you and Killua alone to talk.

Killua seemed to notice that everyone left and he crawled in beside you on the bed; being careful not to hurt you. You smiled as he softly pet your head, blushing lightly. You smiled and let him do what he wanted.

“I’m sorry; I wasn’t there for you...” He whispered silently in your ear, “I promise to stay.”

You looked at him lazily and smiled, muttering out a croaked whisper, “I love you.”

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