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The picture at the side is what your weapon looks like :3

--- Kura-chan ---


You got up from the bed and ran out of the room, “WING YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO HELP ME!” It had been at least fifteen minutes and Wing had done nothing to help you or Zushi at all. Zushi had given up and went to practice Ren and left you on your own to think of some sort of Hatsu technique that would fit with the Nen type Conjurer.

Wing sighed, getting up from reading his study book and going into the room with you. You closed the door and looked at him, “You’re supposed to help me and you’re sitting there reading a stupid book!” You hissed.

“I know I know... I was just looking up something that would fit your personality.”

“Then say it to me! I can’t think of anything!”

“We’re going to need a weapon. Come on,” You sighed, slipping on your shoes and going with Wing out of the room and to the market on the streets below. He walked you through the crowds and to a small stall that had some major weapons on it.

You looked at all of the weapons, somewhat astonished that they would sell them at such cheap prices. Smiling lightly, you picked up and examined some swords and other various weapons, almost each and every one of them catching your eye; until you finally found one that took your fancy.

It was a long Shotel, the blade being in the shape of a crescent moon. The handle of the weapon had another blade at the end, it was smaller but it would be useable in battle. You looked at Wing, “This one.” 

“Are you sure?” He said, smiling.

You nodded, “I know...This is the one I want...I don’t know why, but...it says something to me.”

Wing smiled and nodded, paying the merchant for it and also getting a free strap to attach it to your belt or whatever. Wing then took you to an open space in the park where no-one would interrupt you.

“Right, ___...”


 “Do you know how to use a Shotel?”

“Ah...no.” You rubbed the back of your head, “I don’t.”

“Well you are going to have to learn...”

“I thought so.” You sighed, holding the weapon in your hands. It seemed to glisten somewhat in the bright sun, and you smiled, running your hand along the blade. Both ends were sharp as you ran one finger gently along the edge, almost cutting it in the process. You found a button on the handle and pressed it, the handle then extended so that the blade was bigger. You jumped slightly as you explored your weapon, finding bits and pieces you never thought it could have; impressed.

Wing smiled at you and you brought your attention back to him, holding the blade in your hand, “Since you have explored the blade, let’s teach you how to use it.”


“Hold on a second...” Wing went away and asked someone about something. He then took a couple of dummies off of the man and handed him some money, coming back to you and placing them down. You raised an eyebrow as he stood in the middle.

“Alright! I want you to cut down these dummies using your Shotel.”

You nod slightly and sigh, running around and slicing each and every dummy perfectly and slicing them in half, just missing Wing by a hair. “I know how to use it, it seems.” You smiled.

“Uh...yeah...you do...” He said; his eyes somewhat wide.

You looked at him and giggled lightly, “Soooo what do I do with this?”

“Just carry it around all day, make sure you know the feel of it. Then we’ll try and put it into your Nen.”

You nodded as you held the Shotel protectively in your hands. Wing led you back to the apartment, stopping so you two could get a drink. You continued to hold your weapon tightly as you entered back into the room, looking at everyone.

Gon and Killua were discussing something with Leorio and Kurapika. As soon as you walked in they moved apart to look at you. You rolled your eyes and walked over to them, finishing off your drink and putting it in the bin.

“What? Just because I have a weapon you have to stare at me? Harsh.,” You murmured.

“Ah, no, that’s not it. It’s nothing, really,” Kurapika said, giving that charming smile to you.

“Whatever...So, anyway, what’s the plan?”

“Well...we’re going to leave soon. The phantom troupe is our target; this is all for Kurapika.”

You nodded slightly and Kurapika sighed, “You guys really don’t have to do this.”

“But we want to, Kurapika,” Gon said. You smiled at Gon, he was always so determined and simple. Kurapika smiled lightly and everyone grinned at him. Wing just sighed, Zushi standing beside him and smiling; as Wing thought it was a bunch of good-hearted friends supporting another. And in truth, that is what the scene actually was.  A bunch of friends, willing to support another friend. That’s how life should be, you thought.

“Anyway, we should get packed up and stuff. We’re going to leave tomorrow,” Leorio said, standing up.

Everyone agreed and Wing and Zushi finally spoke, “We’ll be seeing you guys then.”

You turned to Wing and smiled, “Thanks Wing-san for the training!”

“No problem.” And with that, Wing and Zushi left the room, going back to their own ways.

You sighed, closing the door behind them and going to your room, getting some things and packing them. Wing had given you his phone number to keep contact with him, in case you had any further questions. You figured Gon or Killua could teach you other techniques.

Once you were certain everything was packed, you picked up your Shotel and sat on the bed with it, feeling around the edge of the blade once more so that you got a good feel of it. Kurapika walked in your room and sat beside you, “Do you want some help with the conjuration of your weapon?”

You looked at him, “That would be helpful.”

“Well...once you’ve been with it for a while, and you have the feel of the weapon and everything, you should try to copy it exactly into your Nen...” Kurapika explained.

“Oh, really? Is that easy?”

“No, it’s not. It took me a while, but you’re strong...you might find it easy.”

You looked at him and smiled brightly, “Thanks, Kurapika.”

He shook his head, getting up and walking out once more. Kurapika was a really nice guy, no wonder him and Leorio went out now. You got up and looked around once more just in case you left something behind. Smiling slightly when seeing nothing was left, you gripped your Shotel tightly and lay down on the bed, waiting for the long and exciting journey ahead.

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