Unbearable Silence

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You feel a small breath softly exhaled against your lips as you slowly opened your eyes. I must have fallen asleep... You thought, your eyes adjusting to what was in front of you. Your cheeks then bore a bright and brilliant shade of red as you saw Killua crouched over you, a small blush on his face.

“Killua the hell are you doing!?” You shouted at him as he quickly jumped off of you.

“Checking to see if you were alive.” He said simply.

“...I don’t believe you,” You muttered, standing up.

“Cool...we’re leaving, come on...” He moved out of the room and back to the guys.

Blinking and somewhat confused, you shrugged and took your bag with your things and walked into the room. Everyone had gathered and was waiting for you to finally get up. Gon smiled at you and Leorio smiled as well.

“Are we ready?” Kurapika said; a hint of anticipation in his voice.

“Yep!” Gon said, seeming really happy to be helping his friend.

“Let’s go,” Killua spoke, and everyone nodded, following him out of the room.

~*Time skip*~

“This is taking forever...” You moaned. It had begun to rain. It was like buckets filled with water had just started to fall upon the earth. At the moment, Leorio was driving with Kurapika in the seat beside him; but Kurapika had a disguise on. He did look a little funny, but everyone had seemingly gotten past that stage of it being hilarious.

In the back seat Gon, you and then Killua were all sitting exactly as said. You were all very bored of the rain that never stopped pouring down on the roof and sides of the car. It was a wonder how Leorio could see through the rain pounding on the windows, but then again, you were all stuck in a traffic jam. There were millions of cars in front of you while millions were behind you.

“This...isn’t the ideal way to spend your Sunday afternoon...” Killua mumbled.

You gently elbowed him in the ribs and he glared at you, “Remember who we’re doing this for,” You whispered to him.

He just rolled his bright blue eyes and looked back out the window. The car wasn’t even out of town yet, you were all stuck in the middle of it, unfortunately. Leorio tapped the wheel impatiently, sighing. Suddenly, something caught Gon’s eye and he looked out the front of the car, “There!” He pointed out.

Everyone looked over to see that there were people there, people that you yourself knew. Your eyes widened slightly, “It’s them...” You muttered.

Killua took off his seatbelt and got out of the car, Gon following him. You suddenly understood what was going on and got out with them, closing the car door behind you. Kurapika understood as well, but Leorio was shocked.

“Oi, what are you doing?!” He shouted. You motioned for him to be quiet as you followed Killua and Gon, hiding in an alley.

The people you saw were Shizuku and Shalnark, and no-one else. You grunted quietly, not liking the memories that arose in your mind. Suddenly, they both turned and spotted you.

Shalnark smiled and Shizuku walked off, making Shalnark follow her. Gon and Killua were both confused; where on earth did they go? A warm hand suddenly made its way to your mouth, holding it firmly in its grip as your arms were tied behind your back. Gon was also tied, and Killua was awaiting his turn. You were struggling, but then you decided not to. If Killua and Gon weren’t struggling...then they had a plan, surely enough? You knew you could trust them, so you stopped and let the two do what they wanted.

Once you were all tied, they lead you out of the alley and into a car. You glanced back at Kurapika who looked sympathetic, but you gave him a reassuring nod before being shoved in the car along with Killua and Gon; who said absolutely nothing.

It didn’t take long for the car to reach its destination of scattered buildings; impossible to tell one building from the other. They were all a dark grey and crumbling into pieces. Shalnark opened the car door, pulling you out first, along with Gon and then Killua.

Shizuku lead you all through an array of buildings before stopping on one that looked familiar to you. Shalnark then lead you inside, sitting you down and binding you to a rock with chains; replacing the robes that once bound you before. Gon and Killua were to follow, keeping a straight and silent face; and you could only wonder what they were planning inside their heads.

It was sort of scary, now that you thought about it. They had held you captive, and Kurapika’s intentions were not clear to you yet. Killua and Gon remained silent, which ultimately scared you since you had no idea what they had going on in their heads. Maybe it was silent fear - maybe it wasn’t anything of the sort. It could be that they silently thought of the same plans, but then again, you were so anxious to talk with them and ask them what they had in mind.

But the thought of speaking scared you alone. Talking in a small, yet even voice could throw off everything. The people could go mad, everyone could die and it could all be because of a simple word. The silence was unbearable, to say the least, and yet it could have been the most peaceful sound if fear hadn’t filled the air with its stench, clinging to almost every being.

You sat there, hands behind your back, tied to rock, and prayed. You prayed to God that nothing horrible would happen; because you had no plan if this failed – and the way things were going, it seriously looked like everything was going to crumble and fall apart and that you would lose everyone. You wouldn’t bear it if everyone was gone.

Even though you kept your head down, Killua and Gon could both see your fear; clear as day. This was one of the reasons why they didn’t speak of anything; they didn’t want to break what little sanity you may have left. Even though the situation wasn’t drastic, your mind was making up scenarios in which would turn the situation into a living hell.

This was all brought on by the silence that echoed around the building, the silence that rang in your ears, the silence that if it got any quieter, you may have even heard your own blood running through your body.

The silence was suddenly broken, bringing you to your senses. Gon had broken free of the chains, and Killua did the same. He looked at you and gave a small nod, saying that he would get you in a minute. You nodded as Gon was challenged to a game of arm wrestling by a member of the group. The room was occupied by literally all of the members of the Phantom Troupe.

You decided not to look as you could hear the crunch of Gon’s fist being slammed on the rock each and every time. Without being noticed, Killua quickly broke your chains and lifted you up by the arm. You were both stopped from moving by a card being placed on your necks.

“I wouldn’t go if I were you...” The voice hummed, and you instantly knew who it was. Hisoka.

You were forced to watch as the crunch of Gon’s fist breaking ultimately broke the unending silence each time. You just hoped that this would be over soon.

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