Small Happiness

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OK guys. So...I'm sorry to the people that wanted specialist, but I decided on Conjurer. Now...I need you to vote! What should your powers be? What should the conditions be? PLEASE TELL MEH! I'M REALLY TRYING HERE, I PROMSE~ 

Whoever comes up with the best idea...Will get a cookie! I SWEAR!

--- Kura-chan ---


~Killua’s P.O.V~

When you had muttered out the words “I love you”, you had instantly blacked out. Now Killua was left alone with you; and all he wanted to do was hug you. He slowly wrapped his arms around you and held you close. You stank of blood; obviously when you get washed it would be over with. But now, everyone had a problem they had to attend to.

You moved over in your sleep to hug him tightly. Killua blushed wildly and sighed slightly. He then realised he was stuck until you woke up again; and that could be days away. Blushing slightly at the thought, he sighed and went with it. Maybe you’d wake up soon and it’d be over with; but of course, Killua wasn’t going to get his hopes up.

Just at that moment, everyone had to walk back in and smirk at the pair lying on the bed. Killua sighed, “It’s not what you think...” He mumbled.

“Oh we know what it is,” Leorio said, a wild smirk painted on his face.

“I don’t get it...” Killua sighed. Gon’s innocence knew no boundaries; but that’s what made him so adorable at times.

“Yes, don’t say anything to Gon...” Kurapika glared at Leorio and he backed away into a chair, sitting on it awkwardly.

Killua chuckled lightly as he continued to hold onto you. You really didn’t want to let him go, so it seemed. He felt embarrassed to really embrace you fully with everyone around, but that didn’t matter; you were doing it for him anyway. He watched the banter in the room closely, wondering what on Earth they had discussed in the room.

“Killua...” Gon said, going over to the fluffy-haired boy. “Kurapika and Leorio said they have something important to say, but they’d rather do it with everyone awake...Is she gonna be okay?” He asked, pointing at you.

Killua nodded, “Yeah, she seems like it. Just...she won’t let go of me at the moment.” He chuckled. “I guess we’ll travel when she wakes. We really need to teach her Nen if she wants to stay safe around us...”

Everyone turned to Killua, nodding in agreement. They had to find a teacher to first of all open her aura, and then find out what type she was. This could take a while.

~Your P.O.V~

It was dark and scary in your dream. You opened your eyes to find yourself in a cold room with no windows or doors; strapped to a chair with no way of escaping. Your eyes, now frozen in terror, searched around the room for some kind of exit. Just what was going on?

You groaned slightly as you moved your head to see what was around the room. There wasn’t anything at all. A small spotlight was set upon you and only you; but that was it. A small giggle came from behind you and you froze. What was going on?!

It was all just a nightmare. When you awoke from it, your eyes shot open and you panted, coughing slightly.

“___? You okay?” Killua said, lying beside you.

You looked at him and your face flushed red. You nodded and shuffled away from him, moving your arms to a more comfortable position. You sighed slightly and your eyes roamed about the room, looking at Kurapika, Gon and Leorio.

Kurapika coughed slightly, getting everyone’s attention, “Sorry to say this when you’re just awake, ___...but....Leorio and I have an announcement to make,” He said, flushing a light shade of red as he elbowed Leorio softly on the ribs.

You tilted your head, confused. You let Leorio talk, “As of yesterday...Kurapika and I...decided that ...we’re going out.”

You smiled brightly and clapped, “Finally!”

Everyone looked at you and burst out laughing, including Kurapika. You even let out a laugh yourself, although it was more of a giggle than a laugh. Everyone smiled lightly at you. It was a sign that you were getting better; which they all liked to see. Ever since you had talked to Killua about how he wanted to kill again, things have been drastic for you. You had been stabbed through the stomach, in the arms and now you had been punched and kicked until you were bruised and battered. And yet, despite all of this, you managed to stay happy.

The reason was probably simple. You were around very kind and loving people; of course that would make you happy. Despite everything that’s happened in your life to try and make it wasn’t working. You always – somehow – managed to overcome that fear of loneliness and stay happy and smiling with everyone. And since Killua was now your boyfriend, despite maybe being a little bit over-protective, you loved him; and it was great that you got to see his fluffy hair and his dazzling ocean eyes every day. He was so comforting to be around...and you just knew that he would protect you with all his heart; no matter the cost.

“Well,” Leorio said, blushing lightly. “I think, first of all, ___ should get herself cleaned up when she’s up to it and then we’ll head.”

Everyone agreed. It was only then that you realised how much you stank. You gestured for Killua to move, and he obliged, getting out of bed. You soon followed him, stretching slightly. Your eyes widened. “Ah crap...”

“What is it?” Killua asked, a little worried.

“I don’t have spare clothes...”

“We’ll get them for you,” Kurapika said, making Leorio stand from the chair. “Come on, Leorio.” He said, dragging him out of the hotel and to the local shops.

You blinked at their hurry to leave, but shrugged it off and went to the bathroom. The room seemed to be one of those posh ones, and that made you seriously wonder how much money Leorio had once more. He was a doctor, sure, but he couldn’t a millionaire, surely? You shut and locked the door behind you, leaving Gon and Killua to bicker about God knows what before stripping and turning the shower on, waiting for it patiently.

Once it was warm enough, you stepped inside, letting the hot water soothe your aching body. It somehow undid the knots in your back. It was relaxing until you realised you had to wash yourself.

~*Time Skip*~

You sat on the toilet seat with its lid closed, a towel wrapped around you. You waited patiently for Kurapika and Leorio to hurry back with those clothes. Eventually, a knock came at your door and you unlocked it, sliding it open a couple of centimetres and waiting for the clothes to go into your hand. They did so and you closed the door, locking it again.

You put the clothes on one by one and then looked at yourself in the mirror. Either Kurapika or Leorio had good taste. It looked fantastic on you. You were now wearing a smug purple top with an airy waist-coat that when down to your waist. To go along with it, you had skinny jeans. It looked fantastic on you, and you smiled. You then suddenly realised something.

You let a soft tear roll down your cheek as you noticed that everyone was trying their best to keep you happy. They were all really great friends...and if you lost any of would surely die. Especially without Killua.

A sudden burst of energy coursed through you. You looked at yourself and saw a faint white line emitting from you. Shrugging it off, you unlocked the bathroom door and walked out, ready to go.

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