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It had been a while since Kurapika had went away to help Gon with Killua. You had to endure an awkward silence with Leorio as you two had nothing to talk about.

“It’s been twenty minutes,” Leorio muttered, checking his shiny silver watch.

“Should we check on them?” You looked at Leorio, your eyes gripping his attention with a firm lock.

“Yeah, I think so. Twenty’s plenty, after all!” He chuckled, getting up and fixing his trousers. You got up as well, hissing slightly at the pain in your arms, but it was so quiet that it went unheard.

Leorio took the lead as you followed him, shivering a little. When did it get so cold? You thought to yourself as you followed Leorio obediently, looking around for any sign of Kurapika, Killua and Gon. It wouldn’t be that easy to spot Gon, since you were with greenery and he wears mostly green. Kurapika would be easier to find, with his blond hair and bright clothing. Killua would probably be in the same boat as Gon, but because he is very sneaky.

These thoughts when through your head as you looked around for them, wondering why they were taking so long.

When you eventually walked to the place where you had last been with them, you saw that they were still tackling Killua. But it had gotten into a fight. Not one of the play fights that kittens have; the harsh, blood-shed fights.

“Stop it!” Leorio shouted, but to no avail.

Your mind went crazy at what was happening. Killua had his claws out and Kurapika was bleeding from his arm while Gon was hit everywhere. You looked at Killua, noticing that his claws where stained with blood and he was injured as well, but not as badly as everyone else.

For some reason your whole body froze and you couldn’t just back away. Your body was stuck and you could only watch as the boys clashed at each other; two trying to calm the other down whilst they were outmatched by one person. This wasn’t right.

Instinctively, without even thinking at all, you lunged at Killua and held him in a close embrace that you knew neither Kurapika nor Gon would be able to give. Even Leorio would not be able to give this hold.

You hissed as Killua drove his nails in your stomach, making you cough blood.

“ ___!” Gon shouted; a small thump was made as if he was going over, but something stopped him.

“Gon, no,” Kurapika said. So he stopped him...

You held Killua tighter, hoping that he would somehow come out of his stage of killing and be brought back to the real world. Basically, you wanted to break the fourth wall for him.

Killua was a fighter. He struggled and tried to break free from your grasp, but you were having absolutely none of it. You gripped him close to your chest so he would hardly be able to move. This sort of shocked you. Killua’s an assassin...I don’t think many people can willingly hold him in place...How am I able to do it?

“___, he’s coming back!” Gon shouted, making you look at the white-haired assassin. He was looking at you; his blue eyes glistened a little with tears. He was turning back to normal, but you didn’t care. You kept a firm hold of him.

You’re burst of adrenaline to keep Killua from killing everyone vanished, making you realise that there was a hole in your stomach. Killua slowly took his hand out, making blood rush to your mouth and drip on the ground. You shouted in pain as your grip on Killua loosened and you let go of him, stumbling backwards.

“___!” Killua shouted, his eyes widening with fear; terror etched in his voice.

You fell backwards onto the cold, hard ground. The stones made your landing uncomfortable as you breathed heavily, trying to get as much air in your lungs as possible. You had lost a lot of blood, and a pool of it began to form around your entire body, enveloping you in your own blood; not far off from a blood bath.

Everyone was shouting your name, saying that you’ll live and that you’ll be fine. Leorio was the one that was strong enough to carry you, so he gently picked you up. The last thing you heard was the rustle of the trees and the wind as you blacked out from the blood loss.

Your eyes shot open as you woke up, remembering what had happened to you previously that day. You turned your head to see that you were in a bedroom. It was plain white, nothing was fancy about it. Sighing slightly, you cringed. It hurt to breathe.

There was an open window to the left of the room, with soft, flowery curtains that moved slowly with the wind. The breeze curled around you, like a gentle embrace. You smiled. The breeze felt extraordinary.

“You’re up, are you?” You quickly turned your head to Killua’s voice.

“You didn’t run away this time,” You joked, “And yes, I’m up.”

“Good...I’m sorry, by the way...” Killua muttered, looking down. His blue eyes were still visible.

“It’s alright, Killua. You couldn’t control yourself, right?” You smiled, hissing as a sharp pain enveloped in your stomach area.

“Are you alright?” Killua walked over, his eyes tainted with concern.

“I’m fine,” You hissed, clutching your stomach. You felt the smooth velvet bandages that surrounded your stomach as they overlapped. It seemed that quite a good layer of them were coiled around you to stop the bleeding.

“You obviously aren’t.”

“I am- AH!” You threw your head back as the pains got worse.

Killua, quickly and gently, pulled you up into a sitting position, giving you some pills and a glass of water. You took the pills, knowing they would be something like pain killers. You put them in your mouth and took a swig of the water, swallowing the small pill, hoping for the pain to go away.

“You didn’t even question the drug...that’s dangerous,” Killua muttered, looking directly at your (e/c), shining eyes.

“Well it’s not like you want to poison me anyway, right?” You saw a faint blush appear on Killua’s face. He always seemed like a tough nut to crack, but he really wasn’t.

“Y-yeah...but still...”

“And it’s not like I would accept drugs from a stranger, Killua. What do you take me for?”

“You’re a strong person, ___. I wish you could like me...”

“Killua, you’re so dumb!” He looked at you as you smiled, your mouth curling into the words, “I love you.”

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