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This part is long. Warning. XD I have time to focus more on this story sooooo...yeah the parts will be longer \(^o^)/

--- Kura-chan ---


It had been at least five days since Wing had told you you were a conjurer. Each and every day, Wing had you practicing Ten for at least ten minutes every hour. At the end of the day, when you would eventually go to bed, you would be so tired that as soon as your head hit the pillow you’d fall asleep. No-one had told you how intense it was to train Nen, but then again, if the whole gang had done it, you could do it too.

It was an early Monday morning. It was getting close to summer, and the days were starting to get long. When you awoke this morning, you were greeted by Kurapika when you went to see if anyone else was awake. Wing had insisted on everyone staying with him, and he didn’t take no for an answer. You didn’t complain when you had to sleep in the spare room; it was only fair, seeing as you were a girl and all.

So once you were in the living room (or what seemed to be a living room), you were met with Kurapika sitting on the couch. You smiled at him and went over to him, sitting down on the opposing armchair.

“How’s Nen going?” Kurapika asked, moving his hair out of his eyes.

You chuckled lightly; he really needed a haircut. “It’s going fine. It is pretty tiring, though.”

“Yeah, it is. But you’ll get used to it; are you still on Ten?”

“I think he said we’re doing something else today. I don’t know what it could be; though.” You had to admit, Nen training was a lot more exciting than you thought. It was like having a super power that no-one else would have when you finally developed your Hatsu; after all, Wing did say every Hatsu was individual and unique.

“I was surprised to find out that you were a conjurer.”

“Oh? Why is that?” You shifted position in the armchair. Despite looking comfortable, it was a little bit too solid for your tastes.

“I’m a conjurer too.” Kurapika said, smiling.

“Oh, really? I wouldn’t have guessed,” You laughed slightly, “What about everyone else?”

“Well, Leorio is an emitter, Killua is a transmuter and Gon is an enhancer.”

“So you’re all different, then?”

“Yeah, we are. I know that Killua and Gon have developed their Hatsu and Nen and are now really fantastic at it, same with me, but I’m not so sure about Leorio, yet.”

“Speaking of Leorio, how’d your date with him go?” You smirked slightly as Kurapika went a light shade of red.

“It...was good...” He mumbled.

That was enough for you. You laughed and smiled cheerfully to him, “Ohhh...was it now?”

“What are you two talking about?” A sleepy Leorio walked through, rubbing his eyes and putting his glasses on.

You had to suppress a loud cry of laughter. Leorio was definitely not a morning person. His hair, despite being short, was all over the place and his clothing was messed to the maximum. Kurapika took one look at him and sighed heavily, getting up and gesturing back in the room, “Come on...we need to change.” He mumbled, slowly edging Leorio into the bedroom and shutting the door.

Deciding that it was best to fix yourself, too, you got up and went to the room you were given, picking up your bag on the way. You shut the door and sat on the bed, looking for a hairbrush in your ever-so-messy bag. Once you found it, you placed the bag down and began brushing your hair. It was a real mess and hard to tackle with, but it was easy once you were almost done.

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