Guardian Angel - Kylo Ren

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[Y/N] pov.

I was walking through the halls of the Finalizer when General Hux stopped me. I was promoted to one of the General functions a few weeks ago and it has made me feel more important in this whole thing.

"The Commander wants to talk to you, General!" I nodded and gave him a soft smile. He gave me a small nod back and walked further to his quarters. I then began to walk towards Kylo's room.

We used to be friends when we were little and I was there when he changed from Ben into Kylo. We were in the same Jedi training from his uncle, Luke Skywalker and I turned to the Dark Side of the force with a mission, to make sure that there is still good in him.

I looked down at the ground and my eyes fell on the necklace resting on my chest. I share it with my brother, Poe Dameron. It's a Yin Yang pendant, I got the Yin-side and he has the Yang-side. I wrapped my hand around the pendant and closed my eyes. We can feel each other, as we have a force bond and we can communicate through it, but he can't use the force like Jedi's can. That's one of the biggest differences between us.

I reached Kylo's room and softly knocked on the door. There was no response, so I knocked again. He still didn't react to me. I opened the door and saw him sitting on his bed. His back turned to me and his hand was reaching out..into nothing? I think it is that Rey girl again. Ever since they have a force bond, Kylo began to talk less to me. I wish we had a bond like that, but we don't have one.

"What are you doing here?" I broke from my thoughts and saw Kylo standing right in front of me. 

"You wanted to see me?" He sighed and turned away from me.

"Not now!" He raised his voice and I nodded quietly.

"I'll come back later..." I quickly made my way out of his room and let out a sigh. He has been so distant lately and I can't stand it anymore! Just because of that stupid Rebel scum! I stormed of to the training area and went into an empty room. With an angry feeling rushing through my veins I started to train.


"Did you know that he brought that girl here?" Hux looked at me. We were going over some things as we just had a briefing about our plans.

"Rey?" He nodded and rage filled my body. How could he? I know that he is doubting himself, but she's confusing him even more! I balded my fists and almost slammed them into the table but I forced myself not to do it. "How did she get here?"

"With an X-wing.. Why?" He looked at me while I stood up, thinking about my plan. I can get to the Resistance without being shot or anything. I could go to my brother and hug him and tell Leia that I'm probably failing the mission...

"You can't tell anyone about this!" He nodded and sealed his lips with his fingers, signing to me to continue. "I have a plan!"


I saw Poe talking to Leia and I quickly made my way to them after I got out of the X-wing. Their lips formed into a smile when they saw me. 

"[Y/N]!!" Poe hugged me closely. "Does he know that you are here?" He asked me referring to Kylo.

"No, he doesn't... I only told Hux." He nodded and I looked at Leia. "Can I talk to you in private, please?"

"Ofcourse!" We walked to an empty room and sat down at the table. "What's wrong?"

"I think I’m failing ths mission..." She shook her head and layed her hand on mine.

"No, you’re not! You are doing a great job, [Y/N] and don't ever forget that!" I nodded and smiled. "And he's a difficult person, we both know that!" We laughed and she hugged me shortly. "Now, go talk to your brother. He missed you!"

"Thank you, Leia!" She gave me a small nod and I headed towards Poe's chamber. I knocked on his door and he opened it, letting me in.

"[Y/N]!!! I missed you so much!" He pulled me into his embrace.

"I missed you too, Poe!!" We sat down on his bed and began to chat about everything that happened in this damm galaxy. 

"I need to go now, they will notice the X-wing is gone if I don't return on time." He nodded and grabbed my hand.

"Be careful around him, okay?" I gave him a nod with reasuring in it.

"Ofcourse I'll!" We stood up from the bed and he walked with me to the hangar where the X-wing was waiting for me. I stepped in and flew back to the Finalizer.


I walked into my own chamber, tired of the long day. I wanted to pull of my shirt when I noticed Kylo sitting on my bed, his back turned towards me. He didn't have his helmet on, as I could see his raven colored hair.

"Where were you? I've been looking everywhere for you..." He turned around and looked at me. I slowly made my way over to him and sat down beside him. "You can either tell me or I'll read your mind." I threw myself back onto my bed and groaned. Should I tell him the truth? Yeah, ofcourse I should...

"I went to talk to your...mother.." His head snapped into my direction, but I ignored his gaze and stared at the ceiling.

"Why?" I felt his body turn to me and I shortly looked at him. In that quick moment I saw his eyes burning with fury. Okay, I need to tell him.. Everything.

"Because of the mission she gave me..." He didn't respond so I decided to keep talking. "I was supposed to make sure that there was still good in you and she thrusted me with that because she knew that I wouldn't give up on you, no matter what would happen. And lately I started to think that I failed because Rey came and you began to ignore me and you have this force bond with her and that made me realise something..." He layed his hand on my lips to stop me from talking and he layed down beside me.

"Why would you never give up on me?" I felt his gaze on me and he started to play with a strand of my hair. I swallowed hard before I took a deep breath and I opened my mouth.

"Because I love you...I've loved you for so many years..but I couldn't bring myself up to tell you and you ofcourse would never return that kind of feelings to me." I saw him shaking his head from the corner of my eye and I turned my head to him.

"I always adored you... You never left my side, even when I killed young padawans in the temple and you never left me when I had my temper tantrums. I would never, ever trade you for somebody like Rey." I looked into his eyes and felt his hand go to the back of my neck. He softly pulled me closer to him and his lips touched mine. A few moments later our lips parted and I yawned. He laughed and closed his eyes, a sign for me to quickly change into my pyjama.

"Do you want to stay here?" He nodded and opened his eyes after I had placed a kiss on his nose. We got under the covers after he had stripped down to his boxers and he pulled me close to his body.

"You are my guardian angel, [Y/N]." He kissed my lips for a short moment while running his hand through my hair.

"And you are mine." With that we drifted of into a deep slumber.

This was my first Star Wars imagine and I hope you liked it!
You can sent me requests if you want to and just tell me what character you want and what the story kind off needs to be.
Thanks for reading!

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