Lost Padawan - Anakin Skywalker

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[Y/N] POV.

I was walking towards the training room where Master Windu was waiting for me. I'm his Padawan, but he says that if I continue like this I soon could fulfill my training and finally become a Jedi. I saw Anakin and Padmé standing in the middle of the hall. I turned my gaze to him but quickly looked down when I saw him looking at me. I am in love with him, but he doesn't love me. He once told me that when I accidently told him my feelings.

But I accepted that he doesn't have feelings for me as I don't want to split him and Padmé apart. I think the Dark Side will do that. He's slowly turning to it, I can feel that. And it bothers me because it hurts me to see it all happening.

"You're late!" Master Windu spoke to me when I reached the room. He stood in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I'm sorry, I dozed off for to long." We walked inside the rom and I could hear him laugh slightly.

"Always taking a nap if you have time for it, don't you?" He turned his head and I laughed a bit awkwardly while nodding. He grabbed two training lightsabers and handed me one. Our sabers clashed together with great Force and we started my training session.

I don't know why, but my mind kept wondering to Anakin. What he would be doing right now. What would be on his mind. Master Windu stopped me and looked at me with a look of concern.

"You're distracted, young Padawan." I sighed and looked down. "What's on your mind?"

"It's just...I can feel him turning, you know?" I lifted my head to look at him and he gave me a small nod. "And it just concerns me..."

"Because you care about him?" He cut me of and I nodded quietly. I felt his hand on my shoulder and he made me look up. "I'll leave you to train a bit on your own, okay?" I nodded again and he walked towards the table at the side of the room. "Tomorrow Master Yoda and Anakin will come to watch your training, so prepare yourself for that." He layed his lightsaber on the table and left me alone in the training room. A sigh escaped my lips and I trained a bit on my own.


I was stretching my body a bit for the training and I turned around to look at Master Windu when he spoke.

"They should be here soon!" I nodded and shivered a bit. I'm quite nervous as they don't come to see a Padawan's training often due to business. Master Windu pointed to the lightsaber and I pulled it towards me with the Force. I ignited mine, he ignited his and we clashed them together.

"Sorry that we're late, business got us caught up." I turned my head to see Master Yoda and Anakin walking inside. They walked to the table, Anakin lifting Yoda upon the table and himself leaned against it. I looked at Master Windu and saw that he wasn't paying attention, so I got the lightsaber out of his hands into mine.

"I told you I could do it one day!" He looked at me at me while I laughed at him. On the first day when I was allowed to train with the lightsaber he grabbed it from my grasp. I had promised him that I would do it to and that day is today! Suddenly the lightsaber was pulled out of my hand into Anakin's. He walked up to me and Master Windu walked to Master Yoda. Anakin ignited the lightsaber again and we clashed them together.

We've been clashing our lightsabers for a while now and we are now trying to push the other down. My eyes fell on his, which I wish I hadn't done. His eyes held a soft look and his face held a blue glow from our lightsabers. I tried to push him down, but I accidently got inside his mind. I could hear his thoughts and it scared me, seeing how dark they were. My lightsaber fell on the ground from my hand and I stepped back. But I stumbled over my own feet and lost my balance. Anakin was quick to catch me by my waist and held me close to him.

"I'm sorry, Anakin. It happened by accident!" He nodded and helped me back on my feet.

"Don't worry, it's alright." Anakin walked back to Master Windu and Master Yoda. They talked in low voices and Master Windu looked at me.

"You're dismissed, [Y/N]!" I nodded, said my goodbyes and left the room.


After a long shower and a quick nap the afternoon was already falling. When I got out of the shower a bad feeling in my stomach and it never left. Even the little nap didn't help and I'm quite restless now. I decided to go and see if the younger Padawans need my help, hoping that would take my mind of things. I walked into the room and saw the young Padawans were hiding themselfs.

"Don't worry! It's just me, I'm not going to hurt you!" They all came out of their hiding spot and some of them hugged me. I felt a presence behind me and I turned around, seeing Anakin in the doorway. He suddenly pushed me into a wall with the Force, hard. I fell to the ground and it took some time before I stood back upon my feet. My eyes filled with tears at the scene happening in front of me. The younglings laying dead on the floor, Anakin killing the last one. He turned around and stalked towards me.

"Why would you do that?" A few tears escaped from my eyes and fell on the floor. I walked backwards until my back was against the wall, Anakin in front of me and blocking my way to escape.

"The Jedi will tear me and my love apart." I shook my head, looking directly in his eyes.

"The Jedi won't, Anakin. You will." He took a step closer and there is now a little bit of space between us. He shook his head. "I don't want to fight you, Anakin." At first he was taken back, but then he nodded.

"Do you have a last wish, [Y/N]?" He looked at me and I nodded.

"Since you're already walking down the dark path and this wouldn't do harm to anyone, kiss me..." After a bit of hesitation he kissed me on my lips. It was short, but oh lord, how long I've been waiting for this moment. Our lips parted and he held his lightsaber close to my chest.

"I'm sorry, [Y/N].." I shook my head and looked him in his eyes.

"Don't be." He ignited his lightsaber and it went straight through my chest. It stung and hurt a lot, but after a split second I fell into Anakin's arms and fell into darkness.

This was a request for Once_Upon_A_Glade. I hope it turned out like you wanted! It's a bit later then I wanted as Wattpad decided to delete this imagine when I was almost done writing it and I had to rewrite it, but I still loved to write this one and I hope you liked it!
Thanks for reading!

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