Old Romance - Luke Skywalker

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[Y/N] POV.

I draped the covers over my seventeen-years-old daughter, Padmé. Yes, she's named after Padmé Amidala, because she is brave and beautiful like her. 

"Goodnight, Padmé." I placed a kiss on her forehead and stroked her arm lightly.

"Goodnight, mom." I stood up from her bed and left her room, walking to my own. I went in my refresher and washed my face with some water. We live on the Resistance base on D'Qar. Leia and I are like sisters, and I'm helping them to fight the First Order as I helped the Resistance a long tims ago, with defeating Palpatine and Darth Vader. Back then, I was in a relationship with Luke Skywalker.

He suddenly left. Out of nothing. We said goodnight to each other one night and the following morning, he was gone. A week later, I found out that I was pregnant. I didn’t know what to do. I never had a child before and I was alone, still worrying about Luke. Leia was there to help me, she just had a kid for a few years, but she and Han helped me through it.

Tomorrow Rey, Padmé and I are going to a location where we think Luke could be hiding. I hope he's there. So he finally can know that he has a daughter and I can know why he left. I changed into some comfy sleeping clothes and slid under the covers of my bed, letting myself doze if into a dreamless sleep.


I was woken up by Padmé who was shaking my body. Rey was standing in the doorway, smiling at me and Padmé.

"Goodmorning mom! Time to rise and shine!" She threw the blankets of me and jumped on me.

"Calm down, Padmé. I'm coming out..." I stood up from the bed while Padmé and Rey left my room so I could change my clothes. I came out of my room and we immediately went to the hangar. Rey got in a one-seated Star fighter and Padmé and I got in a two-seater. We flew of to the location, which was Ahch-to.

After we landed on the island, Rey walked up to Luke with his lightsaber. He threw it away and then he looked at me and Padmé.

"[Y/N]?" He started to walk towards me and I to him. Padmé knows that he is her father, but we agreed to not push him to much. Luke placed his hand on my cheek when we stood infront of each other.

"Luke..." A smile grew on his face and he pulled me into his embrace.

"It's really you!" My arms wrapped themselves around his torso. "We need to catch up with each other, it's been so long!" Yeah, I don't know why that happened. Maybe because he left with no reason. I just smiled at him and gestured to Padmé.

"This is Padmé, my daughter." She walked up to us. He looked at bit confused, letting his gaze go from Padmé to me and then back at Padmé.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Padmé." He smiled to her and then turned to Rey. "What brought you all here?"

"We need you to help us, the Resistance." Rey walked to us and looked at Luke. He shook his head.

"No." What? Why? His sister needs him, the Resistance needs him... I need him..

"But the Resistance needs you!" Rey looked down before looking back up at him. "And I need you to show me what that power is that awakend in me." Luke eyes widen at that and he looked like he was thinking for a moment, before he walked of to the higher top of the island. We all sighed and began to walk after him.

"We're not leaving without you!" Rey stood in front of the door of the little cottage-like building, while Padmé and I sat down on some rocks a bit further away.

"When will we tell him?" She looked at me and then at the sea.

"When he's ready..." She nodded and I looked at the waves, which were crashing onto the rocky sides of the island. I saw Rey walking up to us from the corner of my eyes and she sat down on a rock behind us.

"I give up, he doesn't open that stupid door!" I looked back at the cottage and sighed. I stood up from the rock and made my way to it. I took a deep breath and softly knocked on the door.

"Luke, please open the door..." Nothing happened and I knocked again. "Luke, we need to talk." Finally he opened the door and he let me in. We sat down on the small bed and I looked at the ground.

"Who is her father?" I felt his eyes on me and I turned my gaze to him. Is he being serious right now? He is the one that left me and doesn't give me an explanation and then he's asking who Padmé's father is.

"Why did you leave?" He grabbed my hand and shook his head. "Then I'm not telling who her father is."

"Don't be so stubborn, [Y/N]" Me being stubborn? What the galaxy!

"I'm being stubborn? You left me without saying anything!" I stood up and paced around in the little space.

"I needed some time for myself, then I found this island and decided that I wanted to die here." Is he crazy or something? Did he just forget about me? Wasn't I good enough for him?

"Why didn't you ask me to come with you?" He looked down at the floor and I stopped pacing in front of him. He then stood up and reached out for my hands.

"I think it was just an impulse. I'm truly sorry, [Y/N]." I nodded and looked at him.

"I will forgive you on one condition." His lips turned into a half smile and he nodded. "You need to train Rey and our daughter with the Force." He gasped for a moment and then smiled.

"I'm her father?" I nodded and couldn't help my smile. "When did you find out?"

"A week after you left, but your sister and Han really helped me through everything!" He pulled me in a hug and kissed my ear, something he always did when we were younger. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Let's go meet my daughter!" We both smiled before we headed out of the cottage. Rey and Padmé immediately stood up and walked over to us. Padmé looked at me and I nodded. She smiled and looked at her father.

"Hi dad!" She was pulled into his embrace and then he pulled me into the hug. I could feel Rey beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable so I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the hug.

"I convinced him into training you two and after you're done with it, we can defeat the First Order!" We all cheered and then bursted out in laughter. In that moment I felt reunited with my old romance and I felt complete.

This is a request for hepburnmercuryfan. I really enjoyed writing this one and I hope you like it!

Don't forget to request something/send me ideas.

Thanks for reading!

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