Comfort - Kylo Ren

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[Y/N] POV.

Snoke threw me against the wall for the last time. I fell to the ground with a loud thud. I tried to get up, but my bones hurted to much for me to move. Two guards picked me up and pushed me into the elevator, making me leave the Throne room.

My body was shaking violently and I longed for a good rest. With the help of the wall of the elevator I could stand up. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. With all my might I walked to my quarters, which I shared with my boyfriend, Kylo.

We both trained under Snoke's supervision and because of that we grew closer. We both got feelings for each other and got together, but in secret. But I think that Snoke is starting to notice. Why else would he call me up to the Throne room and beat the hell out of me?

I entered my quarters and let myself fall onto my bed. Relieving my body from the pain of walking. I grabbed a blanket that was in range and layed it over my body. Not soon after I fell asleep.

A soft nudge woke me up and when I opened my eyes, they were met with Kylo's. They were filled with worry, but meanwhile a smile grew on his lips.

"Hello darling. How are you feeling?" I shrugged my shoulders and he sighed softly.

"My body is just aching." He nodded and stood up.

"Let's get you cleaned up." He walked to my bathroom and came back with two towels. He pulled the blanket away and I winced at the missing of warmth. Kylo laughed and kneeled down beside me. He helped me out of my shirt and pants and softly rubbed over my upper arm.

"What did he do to you?" He grabbed the wet towel and began to clean the wounds.

"He told me that I'm a failure and that you're way better than me. And then he just kept on hitting me and slamming me into the walls and floor." He clenched his jaw and I quickly put my hand on his. His eyes flickered to mine, the worried look was replaced with one filled with guilt.

"I'm sorry, [Y/N]. That I couldn't stop him." I shook my head.

"Don't blame yourself, Kylo. It's not your fault." he dried my body with the dry towel and went to the bathroom with my bloodstained clothes and the towels. He came back with some bandages and made sure that the wounds were covered. He grabbed my pyjama's and helped me in them.
He put me under the covers of my bed and kissed my head.

"Can you stay with me please?" He thought for a moment, but then nodded and slipped under the covers next to me. I cuddled into his side and he wrapped his arms around me, careful not to touch the hurtful wounds.

"I love you, [Y/N]!" I looked up at him, smiled and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"I love you too, Kylo!" He ran his hand through my hair and placed a kiss on my head. Then, we quickly fell asleep in each other's arms.

Here is some fluffy stuff with Kylo! Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it.
Don't forget to send me your requests/ideas if you want me to write something for you.

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