Grey - Rey~Part 1

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[Y/N] POV.

Being family of Kylo Ren has never been easy. I'm his cousin and I've kept it a secret for almost my whole life. I don't know who my mother is, as father never wanted to talk about her. All I know is that she died when I was just a toddler.

I work for the Resistance that fights against the First Order. No one here knows that my father is Luke Skywalker, except my aunt, Leia. My father trained me into being a Jedi until he disappeared and I never saw him ever since. But the Jedi Order doesn't call for me, neither does the Sith. My father always has known, he told me that the night before he left. He used to call me by a nickname he gave me, Grey. I can remember the night before he left so clearly and it often replays in my dreams.

"Listen, Grey, I want you to know something." I turned my gaze from the black sky filled with stars to my father's face. On some days we would lay outside, just looking at the stars and talk.

"What's wrong, dad?" He turned his face to me and played a little with my hair.

"Well, it's not something wrong... But something has come to my notice and I actually knew it from when you were born. I didn't take it seriously then, but I've seen things in your training and I realized that it's something I should've been serious with." My eyebrows formed into a frown and sat up slowly.

"What is it, dad?" He sat up too and I leaned against his side, wrapping myself into a blanket.

"You know about the Jedi Order and the Sith." I nodded while he put one of his arms around me. "Well, there's something in between. It's called the Grey Jedi Order. And when you were born, Yoda, well.. Force Ghost Yoda, told me that you weren't going to be Jedi nor a Sith, but that you're a Grey Jedi and that you have an important role in the upcoming war."

He explained a lot that night, but nothing about my mother or about the role I have in this war. But he made one thing clear, I can't tell anyone that I'm a Grey.

The war has been at an insane level since the arrival of Rey, a very interesting girl. She had catched my eyes when she first boarded our fleet and now she out on Ahch-to, the location where my dad should be. Even though we haven't had much time together, my heart always seems to beat faster when I see her or when we talk about her.

While she's there, the Resistance is now on Crait. We don't know how the First Order found us, but they did and we're currently under attack. I was standing next to aunt Leia. She looked down and grabbed hold of my hand. The First Order is coming closer and we're getting weaker.

"[Y/N], look!" I looked up at her and saw her pointing at someone who came out of the shadows.

"Dad?" He walked up to us as Leia sat down on a table beside us. He raised his hand and stroke my cheek. I smiled up at him and he turned to aunt Leia. He walked onto the battlefield and everything happened so quickly. He is fighting with Kylo and aunt Leia caught my attention, while most of our people followed the crystal dogs.

"Darling, get as many people you can to the spare fleet and get of this planet." She pointed to a crystal dog who was looking at us, looking like he was waiting for something.

"But what about you?" She shook her head.

"I'll be fine, [Y/N]." She looked at the battlefield for a second and then looked at me again. "You are a strong person, [Y/N], don't forget that!" I nodded, kissed her cheek and ran to the crystal dog. Together we ran to the others, who were standing in front of a pile of rocks which were being lifted by Rey. A smile formed on my lips and we ran out of the cave.

"Let's go to the spare fleet!" They nodded and the crystal dog had reunited with the rest. We began to run to the spare fleet and boarded. I sat down next to Rey and she looked up at me.

"How was Ahch-to?" Her lips turned into a smile and chuckled softly.

"He was very stubborn." I laughed softly, I got that from him. "But I got the training that I needed." I nodded and she grabbed my hand in hers. "He also told me something about you." My eyes found hers. What did he tell about me? She looked around and then turned to me.

"That he's your father and that you're Force sensitive too. He told me that if I ever needed help, I need to ask you." I nodded and looked down for a moment. "Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret. For both of our sakes." I looked at her again and smiled.

"Thank you, and he's right. If you need help with something, just ask." She smiled and yawned. "Tired much?" I laughed and she nodded. We walked to one of the chambers from the big ship and she layed on the bed. When I wanted to walk out of the room, she stopped me.

"Can you stay here?" I turned around, looked at her and nodded.

"Sure!" I got under the covers next to her and she layed her head on my chest.

"Goodnight, [Y/N]." I wrapped my arms around her.

"Goodnight, Rey." She was already sleeping and a small smile was found on my face. Not much later I fell asleep too. Finally able to get some proper sleep in this galaxy destroying war.

This imagine is going to be a two parter!
Don't forget to sent in your ideas/requests.
I hope you liked this part and thanks for reading!

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