You Help Them Relax - Preference

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So, uhm yeah... I was supposed to post this on the 19th of May and that didn't happen. I'm sorry for that. I didn't have much time to write and I also didn't have much inspiration (if you could request something, that would help a lot).

Anyway, I hope you like this prefence!

Kylo Ren

When he had another anger tantrum you'd hug him tightly and play with his dark raven locks. Some of the people that worked with you on the base were worried that he might hurt you, but you are sure that he won't. When he calmed down a bit, you take him to your room and you would sit on the sofa. You would talk to you about what made him mad and you tried to help him as good as you could, before one of you was called for work duties.

Poe Dameron

Poe sometimes would be stressed after he had certain missions. You would give him a massage and you would cuddle all night, talking about the things you did that day and the future. You both wanted kids and you both were ready for it, but you didn't want your children to grow up during a war. Somewhere during the talk, one of you would fall asleep (most of the time it would be you) and then he would admire your sleeping form before he dosed of.


When Rey was stressed you'd run her a bath and fill the bathroom with candles which have her favorite scent. She would cuddle with you in the bathtub and after a while would fall asleep. You would dry her of and dress her in her pyjama's. After that you lay her in bed and press a soft kiss to her head before going back into the bathroom to make sure the candles wouldn't set it on fire.

Don't forget to request/send your ideas if you want me to write something for you! Thanks for reading!

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