Escaping the Dark Side - Poe Dameron

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[Y/N] POV.

"COME ON [Y/N]!" Finn ran infront of me and I followed him closely behind. We gave each other names as the 'codes' were bothering us everytime we want to call each other. So he gave me the name [Y/N] instead of [2 letters from YN]-4726 and I gave him the name Finn instead of FN-2187.

We currently are running through the halls of the Star killer base with a Resistance Pilot, I think his name was Poe. We reached the hangar and we got into one of the Star fighters in which we all three would fit in. I sat in the pilot seat as Poe wasn't in the exact state to fly and I took of before other Stormtroopers could inform the Officers.

"Nice one!" Finn high-fived me and Poe gave me a nod. I turned my head to him after making sure we would go in a straight line out of the First Order's grasp.

"Where do we need to go?" He looked like he was thinking for a moment before he sifted in front of the datapad. He typed something on it and then looked at me.

"I filled in the location, if you want you can turn it into automatic pilot or I could fly?" I shook my head and I turned my gaze back to the window so I could see where we were going.

"I'd rather fly myself." I could see him nod from the corner of my eye.

"I'm going to look if I can find any clothes to replace this suit." I heard Finn say and I heard him moving around behind me. Suddenly, I felt him grap my Trooper helmet and lifted it of my head.

"Thanks!" I heard some more movements behind me and I heard him sigh.

"Finally out of that stupid armor. I also found you some clothes, [Y/N]!" I nodded and looked at Poe. He understood what I meant and he got his hands on the steering gear. His hands were resting on mine for a split second, but it fell warm and a tangle went through my body in that moment before I slipped my hands of the steering gear. I got out of the seat and grabbed the pile of clothes from Finn. He sat in the seat next to the one where Poe was sitting and I changed as quickly as I could from my Trooper armor to some more normal clothes. It was a white shirt with black jeans, simple but it's better then nothing.

"Poe, watch out!" I looked out of the window, seeing bright orange-ish sand before we crashed and everything went black.


It's been about two weeks since the crash happened. After a lot of trouble we reached the Rebellion fleet. Not only the three of us, but also Rey, a force-sensitive who just discovered her powers. Finn was helping Rey train most of his time and I became a mechanic, as I apparently am good at repairing stuff. At first a lot of the rebels didn't trust me, but when I was able to fix a ship that not even the best mechanic could fix, I won over their hearts.

About winning hearts, in the last two weeks I fell head over heels in love with Poe. His dark hair, his dark brown eyes and his handsome face. He has it all. I'm currently fixing his ship, after he was flying reckless today. I grabbed a few tools that I needed, took a sip of water and heard his voice behind me.

"How is it going?" I turned around to face him, but he stood closer to me then I thought. I looked into his eyes and stood there quietly. "Are you going to answer or continue to stare at me?" This snapped me out of my thoughts and I quickly replied.

"I'm almost done with your ship, next time don't fly that reckless. Saves me some work." I lifted myself on the wing and got back to work, only to notice that Poe kept on looking at me. "Take a picture, it will last longer!" He laughed and hosted himself up beside me.

"Can I ask you something?" I sifted a bit and fixed some of the wires that broke during his flight.

"Ask away!" A light electric shock went through my hand when I had fixed another wire and I hissed quietly.

"How did you get into the First Order?" I stopped my movements and slowly sat up. No one ever asked me that, not even Finn knows how I got there. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me..." I shook my head and looked at the ground.

"It's okay, I just never told anybody and you need to promise me to not tell anyone." He nodded and 'zipped' his lips. I got my hair out of my ponytail to prevent myself from getting a headache. "Well, my father was a General for the First Order and I always was with him. When he died a few years ago they gave me a choice, to follow the Stormtrooper training and work for them or to be killed. That wasn't a hard choice as I also decided to wreck the First Order from the inside, which I partly succeeded." I led out a sigh from relief and layed a bit back against the X-wing.

"But how did you get your name? Well, Finn gave you this one, but didn't your parents give you a name?" I shook my head and I saw him from in confusion.

"My mother died while having me and my father didn't give me a name, when I grew older the nicknamed me Shadow, as I was always following people around and when I got into the Stormtrooper training they gave me a code as name." I saw him nod and he payed his hand on mine.

"I'm sorry, [Y/N]..." I knitted my eyebrows while looking at him.

"You don't have to be sorry, Poe." I layed my hand on his cheek and moved a little closer to him. "You didn't do anything to make me feel bad. You actually made me feel quite comfortable here before everyone accepted me." His lips turned into a soft smile and my cheeks turned to a light shade of pink.

"I feel very comfortable when I'm with you, [Y/N]. And I'm happy that you and Finn escaped the Dark Side." I nodded and my face was bright red now, while he was smiling widely. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me flush against him. "Do you feel that too, that tension between us?"

"Yeah, I do." I felt one of his hands move up to the back of my head and he leaned in. I leaned in too and felt his lips on mine. After a few moments our lips parted and we looked into each other's eyes. "I love you, Poe."

"I love you too, [Y/N]." His lips touched mine again shortly and he ran his hand through my hair. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Of course I want to!" I kissed his cheek and then hugged him. We layed down on the X-wing and talked a lot before we fell asleep in each other's arms.

This wasn't a request, but I got this idea and I wanted to write it so here it is!
Don't forget to request something if you want and I hope you liked this imagine!
Thanks for reading!

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