Panic Attack - Obi-Wan Kenobi

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This was requested by -VoidBella-. I hope this is what you wanted!

This can be triggering if you have anxiety and/or experience panic attacks.

[Y/N] POV.

Training under Jedi Master Obi-Wan's wing was one of the best things that could happen to me. When I found out that I had the gift of being a force-sensitive, I wanted to become a Jedi and that dream never faded.

One day when I was taking a stroll on my home planet, I stumbled upon Obi-Wan. He was on a mission with his Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn. While we bumped into each other a bit of power left my body and send Obi-Wan a few meters away into the sand. Qui-Gon Jinn had scanned the amount of Force that was in my blood and he wanted to train me. He took me to the Jedi Council and after they had some discussions about me, they decided that I could train under Qui-Gon's wing. Sadly enough he died on a mission before we could start my training.

The Jedi Council then decided that I would train under Obi-Wan's wing, as he would finish his training that same year. We became friends real quick and we got closer and closer, that eventually led to me falling for him. But we can't date because of the Jedi code. While we trained something else also started to grow. On some days I was doing fine, but on others I would panic after the training session. What if I wasn't good enough to become a Jedi? What if I couldn't protect the people from the Dark Side? Obi-Wan always told me that I was improving, but what if he says that just to make me feel better and he's actually lying...

Today I wasn't doing great nor bad, I was feeling.. In between.. If that's even a feeling. I went to the training rooms, where Obi-Wan would be waiting for me. I walked in and saw him standing there, with his back turned to me.

"I'm sorry that I'm late..." He turned and smiled at me. That beautifull smile, it can make me feel better in just a few seconds or it can kill me because I long to being the reason that he's smiling. But that'll probably never happen.

"It's okay, better late than never!" I nodded and he handed me a lightsaber. I ignited it and he ignited his. Our lightsabers clashed together in a rhythm. A rhythm that I lost myself into. My movements were automatic and my mind zoned out.

"AHH!" I heard a grunt and I zoned back in. Obi-Wan was still in front of me but instead of standing, he was laying on the ground. On his arm was a cut. Did I do that? Ofcourse I did that! I let the lightsaber fall from my hand and I took a few steps back.

"I'm sorry!" He stood up and looked at the cut.

"Don't worry, it's just a small cut! It will heal quickly." I shook my head and stepped back when he stepped forward. It's your fault, [Y/N]. He's hurt and it's your fault! You'll never be a Jedi like him! Heck, he probably doesn't even want to be friends with you anymore! Tears started to fill my eyes and my breaths were uneven. I walked back until my back hit the wall.

The tears now blurred my eyes and I slid down to the ground. I felt his hands on my shoulders and I heard his voice vaguely in the distance.

"[Y/N]? Can you hear me?" I could feel him wrapping his arms around me and I leaned into his touch. "Shhh" I felt his warm breath against my cheek. We sat there in silence for a while, until I had calmed down.

"Thank you, Obi..." He wiped the last tear from my cheek and pressed a soft kiss to my nose. A wave of tiredness came over me and I buried my head in the soft material of his Jedi robes.

"It's no problem, [Y/N]. Now tell me, why were you panicking?" He played with my hair and I started to play with the material of his robes. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I shook my head and looked at him.

"It's okay, it's just.. Sometimes I just feel like I won't be a good Jedi..." He sighed and shook his head.

"You'll be a great Jedi, [Y/N]! Don't let those bad thoughts into your mind." He wrapped his arms tighter around me and he placed a kiss on my head. I felt myself getting a bit sleepy and I think he noticed it.

"Do you want to get some sleep?" I nodded and he helped me up. "I'll bring you to your room then." He picked me up in bridal style and walked through the halls with me in his arms. When we reached my room he layed me onto my bed.

"Can you stay with me, Obi?" He nodded and I scooted over so he could lay next to me.

"Ofcourse!" He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Thank you, Obi, for helping me." He smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat.

"It's no problem, [Y/N]. I'll always be here for you." I smiled at him and closed my eyes. Before I drifted off into a slumber I heard him whisper something.

"I love you, [Y/N]"

Thanks for reading!
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