Turning Sides - General Hux

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[Y/N] POV.

I sat on my bed in my quarters. Thinking about the events of last week. Kylo has been obsessed with Rey, and while he did that he ignored me. He is back in our quarters late at night and leaves early in the morning. Kylo and I have been dating for the past three months, but I don't know how long we're going to last.

I stood up from my bed and changed into my uniform. When I was done I made my way to the wing where I worked. I am an lieutenant under General Hux. Kylo doesn't like that, as him and Hux are seen as two different sides. I walked inside the room and Hux turned to greet me.

"Lieutenant [Y/L/N]." He gave me a small nod and I walked over to stand beside him.

"General Hux." I started with my work, nothing much happened, lucky enough. I wasn't in the mood for having to fight some Rebel scum right now. My shift was done, time for some food. I walked to the cantina and grabbed a tray of food, sitting next to some of the officers. I didn't talk with them much, just playing around with the food and ate a little. Until someone sat in front of me. I looked up and saw Hux sitting in the seat across mine.

"Hello!" He gave me a small smile, which I returned to him. This is odd, Hux never eats in the cantina. Well, this cantina. "Not talkative today?"

"Not much..." I laughed sarcastic and sighed right after. A frown formed on his forehead and he looked at me with a concerned look on his face.

"Is something bothering you?" I nodded slowly. He doesn't often ask people how they are, as he's not that kind of person who cares about people. But hey, that's exactly how I thought about Kylo and I'm together with him, so yeah.

"But I don't want to talk about it in public." He nodded with a look of understanding on his face and he eyed his surroundings before he leaned a bit over the table.

"Meet me at the main hangar when my shift has ended." I nodded and smiled at him. It's a bit weird, because he wants to listen to my problems while he doesn't seem like he cares for me. But it's also nice, as I can talk about my problem with someone else then Kylo. We are our food in silence and when we were finished, he went back to work and I went to my quarters.

It was late in the day now, and Hux' shift would end soon. In the meantime I had taken a shower, put on some comfortable clothes and just read a book on my datapad. I stood up from the comfy armchair and looked in the mirror. I look pretty decent in this clothes, so I'm not changing into anything else like my uniform or something.

I reached one of the balconies of the main hangar, where you had a big overview of what happened in it. This is one of the favorite places I go to when I need to clear my head, except when we're under attack or attacking people/systems.

As I looked out over the hangar, I saw a figure with bright red hair walk to one of the stormtroopers. They talked shortly and the stormtrooper pointed at me, which made Hux look up and I waved. He waved back, said something to the trooper and walked out of the hangar.

Soon I heard the door open behind me and I turned around to see the ginger walking up to me. We stood there in silence for a few moments, looking over the hangar, until he spoke.

"So, what's bothering you?" I felt him look at me and I looked down at my hands.

"It's Kylo..." He sighed loudly, but let me continue. "Since he met Rey, he had been obsessed with her and he doesn't have time for me anymore. He comes 'home' late in the night and leaves early. It just feels like I'm not important to him, you know?" I looked at him, tears spilling out of my eyes. He nodded and pulled me in a warm hug.

"He's just a stupid Bantha, for letting a girl like you making feel bad about herself." I laughed at his remark and wrapped my arms around him. "Don't give him a lot of attention. He doesn't do his work either and Snoke will, hopefully, find out what Kylo is up to. Maybe he comes back to his senses and see how stupid he has been."

"I hope so." Hux and I let go of each other and just talked about ourselves, getting to know each other a little better. He's actually quite a nice guy, he just doesn't show it on the surface.


It's been a couple of days since I first had a deep conversation with Hux. We have grown a lot closer and while we grew closer, Kylo and I became more distant. I'm just so kriffing done with him. I see him barely, but when I see him, he is accusing me of things I would never do. I walked into our shared quarters and saw him standing there with his arms crossed.

"I was waiting for you." His voice was deep, calm and modulated because of his mask. I hate it when he wears it.

"Well, that's a first." I sat down on the couch and he stood in front of me.

"Where were you?" I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I was just working, just like you've been doing lately!" The memories of last week flowed through my mind.

"You've been a lot with Hux." 

"That's because I work for him." He didn't say anything so I just continued. "You've been a lot around Rey. More then you should!" He shook his head and reached his hand out to me, which I slapped away. "You barely had time for me! All the things you were doing, had a connection with that rebel scum!"

"Don't talk about her like that!" He pushed me back with the Force. The couch fell with me, but it didn't break my fall as I was slammed into the wall. A sharp pain shot through my back and I fell to the ground. I looked up and saw him lowering his arm. I stood up to my feet and looked into his vizor.

"Take off your mask." I haven't seen him with his mask lately, but I heard he doesn't wear it when he's around Rey. If he doesn't take it off, then I know enough. He doesn't move a bit until he slowly shakes his head. "Okay, I know enough." I nodded. "We're over, Ren." I quickly left the room before he could respond and made my way to my office. Luckily everyone's shift was over, so no one was here.

Tears started to spill from my eyes and a loud sob escaped my mouth. I sat down in my chair as my body couldn't handle the pain anymore.

"[Y/N]? Is everything okay?" I heard Armitage's voice from behind me and I turned my chair. He stern look immediately faltered and he hurried over with a worried look. He knelt down in front of me and held my hands in his.

"I broke...up..with him.." I said between sobs and he hugged me. I winced at the pain that was coming from my back and he quickly let go of me.

"Did I hurt you?" I shook my head and he wiped some tears away from my cheeks.

"But Kylo did... He Force-pushed me into a wall." He gasped and then placed a kiss on my hand.

"I'm sorry, [Y/N]..." I shook my head and ran my hand through his soft ginger hair.

"I'll be okay, Ginger." He chuckled softly at the nickname. "Especially with you by my side." He smiled and looked me in the eyes. We both leaned in and before my mind could progress anything, we were kissing. Soft and short, but loving. We broke apart and my face went almost as bright as his hair.

"I like you, [Y/N]!" I smiled and my face went even redder.

"I like you too, Armitage." I placed a soft kiss on his cheek and he scooped me up from the chair into his arms.

"Now, let's get you checked by some medics." I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder, letting him bring me to the medical droids who could help my bruised back.

I hoped you liked this imagine! Don't forget to request/send me ideas.
Thanks for reading!

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