New Hope - Luke Skywalker

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[Y/N] POV.

I was standing next to Leia, my sister. Well, she's isn't my biological sister. My parents took her in when I was a few months old, I don't know who her real parents are. But my parents told me a part of the truth when I was 13, as I could see some differences and I asked my parents about it.

We just recorded the video for Obi-Wan Kenobi and I saw C-3PO looking at us. I pulled Leia a bit back and R2-D2 rolled to him.

"Leia, we must go." She nodded at me and we turned around. I turned back as I heard some footsteps and saw Stormtroopers coming our way.

"You can't escape." We tried to run away, but we were knocked out before we could run.


I sat in a cell at the Imperial ship. I know Leia is in the one next to mine. The door opened and a Stormtroopers walked in. He grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me out of the cell. Leia was also pulled out of hers and we were brought to a large room with a window. Darth Vader stood behind us, so that we couldn't escape. Tarkin stood in front of us.

"Before your execution, I would like for you to be my guest at a ceremony that will make this battle station operational." He was walking around a bit and he turned to us as he stopped talking.

"The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." Leia talked calm. She always talked when we were under attack or like now, captured. She could keep her head cool under this kind of circumstances, and I sometimes let things slip. That's why I don't talk to enemies that often.

"Not after we demonstrate the power of this station. In a way you have determined the choice of the planet that will be destroyed first." He looked  at me and I took a small step back, but Vader pushed me back forward. "But since you won't give away the location of the Rebellion base, I have chosen to test this stations destructive power on your home planet, Alderaan." I looked outside the window and saw Alderaan. What, no! This can't be happening! Luckily, Leia stepped forward.

"No, Alderaan is peaceful, we have no weapons, you can..." He interrupted her and Vader pushed me more closer to them.

"You'll avert another target then name the system!" He then looked at me and walked to me. I stepped back and bumped into Darth Vader. "I grow tired of asking, where is the rebel base?" I looked over his shoulder to Alderaan and then it slipped my lips.

"Dantooine." I looked down, while he looked up to Vader.

"See, lord Vader, she can be reasonable." He turned to someone who was standing behind him. "Continue with the operation, you may fire when ready." I looked up and Leia stepped forward.

"What? NO!" We stepped to Tarkin to stop him, but Vader grabbed our shoulders and pulled us back. I beam went to Alderaan and I exploded. No, no, no... WHY? Before we could do anything we were put back into our cells.

I don't know how much time has passed, but the door opened and a Stormtrooper walked in with a tray of food. I grabbed the tray and slapped the trooper in his head. I quickly got out of the cell and locked the door. I opened Leia's cell and she smiled at me. I helped her out and we ran through the halls of the Death Star. We turned a corner and I bumped into someone. I fell down, but the person grabbed me. It were two Stormtroopers and a hairy beast.  What? The stormtroopers took of their helmets and it revealed a boy my age and someone who is a bit older than me.

"You two are the princesses!" The young boy who still had his hands on my arms looked at me and Leia. She nodded and we started to run. Stormtroopers followed us and shoot their blaster at us. We came into a hall with a death end, oh no. Han and Luke, we learned their names while running, shoot at the troopers while Leia and I searched for a way out. I grabbed the blaster from Luke and shot a vent, leading into some room. I handed the blaster back, while Leia went through the vent.

"Get in there, Chewbacca!" He got in after a groan and I looked at Luke and Han. "Come in quickly after me." Han sighed and rolled his eyes and Luke nodded at me with a smile. I went through the vent and landed in a pile of trash. I climbed a bit from the place I landed and Luke fell right on the spot. I helped him up and he shot at the door, hoping it would open. The shot got reflected and I ducked. Han fell on the trash and told Chewbacca to get out of the way.

"No, don't I already tried that!" Luke told him, but it was to late. Han already fired the shot and we had to duck again.

"Put that thing away, you are going to get us all killed!" I shouted at him and he turned to me.

"Absolutely, my worship. Look I had everything under control until you let us down here!" I flinched at his scream and turned away from him. Leia smiled softly to me, letting me know that I did right and I smiled back.

"It could be worse." She snarled at him and he went quiet. A weird noise suddenly was heard and we looked around, searching for the cause of the noise.

"Something just moved past my leg." Luke looked down and I looked at the water. "Look did you see that?" He pointed at the water and I shook my head. What did he see? Suddenly he was pulled under the water.

"Luke!" I shouted and ran to where he just stood. I ran my hands through the water hoping to find him, when I felt his hand. I pulled him up and a weird monster-like figure had wrapped it's way around him.

"Shoot it!" I yelled to Han and he shot at the monster-like thing. It pulled Luke back under the water and I searched for him. Where is he? Suddenly he appeared on the surface and he took in a deep breath. I helped him up.

"What happened?" Leia shouted and looked at us.

"I don't know, the thing just let go of me!" He screamed, still a bit panicking from the previous event. We looked around trying to find a way out, when suddenly the walls started to close in on us.

"Brace it with something!" Leia shouted and we looked for something which could hold the walls from making us thinner. The walls closed in faster and then Luke yelled.

"Oh wait!" He grabbed something and shouted into it. "C-3PO! C-3PO! WHERE COULD HE BE?" he helped me to higher ground as I fell down the pile again and again. Suddenly C-3PO answered.

"Turn of the garbage compactors on the detention level! Do you copy?" No, answer. I held onto Luke as the walls were really close now. And then, they stopped. "We're alright, C-3PO, you did great!" The door opened and we got out of the compactor. We ran to the hangar where Han's ship should be. Luke looked to something in the distance. It was Darth Vader and Obi-Wan fighting. Obi-Wan looked at us and then Vader struck him with his lightsaber. I grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him to me.

"Luke, we need to go now!" He nodded and we ran on the ship. After we got rid of the Tie fighters, Luke and I were sitting in the 'main room' of the ship. He stared a bit in the distance, I nudged him and he looked at me.

"Don't worry to much, he always knew what he was doing." He smiled and I looked down. My parents crossed my mind for a second, I miss them. They did so much for me. They taught me to trust my feelings. I felt a nudge in my side and looked up.

"What's bothering you?" Luke wiped away a tear that I didn't know escaped my eye.

"Alderaan was my homeplanet. I grew up there and my parents..." He shushed me and wrapped his arms around me.

"You'll be alright, [Y/N]! I'm sure they are proud of you." A smile grew on my lips and I leaned into his side.

"Thank you, Luke." I layed my head on his shoulder and we sat there in silence. When Leia walked in I quickly got my head of his shoulder. He chuckled and Leia sat with us.

"We'll defeat the Empire, together." I nodded and I felt Luke squeeze my arm softly. I looked into his blue eyes and smiled at him.

"I'm sure we will!" He let me rest against him and I closed my eyes for a bit. Luke and Han surely will give the rebellion new hope, Luke already did for me. I felt myself drift of into a dreamless sleep, while we continued our journey to the rebel base. I felt a soft kiss being pressed on my head, before I fell asleep on my New Hope's shoulder.

This is a request for @northernlion196. I hope you like it, as I really enjoyed writing this imagine!
Don't forget to request or send me your ideas!
Thanks for reading!

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