Droids - Poe Dameron

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[Y/N] POV.

"General Organa, have you seen BB-7?" She looked up from the paper that she was reading and looked at me.

"No, I haven't... Did she ran of again?" I nodded and sighed. "Do I need to get some people who can help you searching for her?"

"No, but thanks though!" At that moment Poe came running in with a slightly panicked expression on his face. I've got to say that he's quite a handsome man and a lot of rebels are crushing on him, including me. But he'll never return those feelings for a droid-maker like me.

Not many people know that there's an actual job for that, but there is and I'm the only one on the Resistance who makes droids and fixes up older, destroyed ones.

"General Organa, [Y/N], have you seen BB-8 anywhere? I can't find her..." She laughed softly and pointed at me.

"Seems like you two have the same problem. Why don't you search them together?" I looked at Poe and he looked at me. Our eyes locked for a moment and I felt a tingle going through my body. I quickly looked away and nodded.

"Sure!" We started to walk through the halls, trying to find our droids. After we checked every room and still couldn't find them, we went to my workplace. We walked inside and he looked around.

"Sorry, it's quite messy." He laughed and I looked around seeing all the mechanical stuff laying everywhere. "BB-7, BB-8, are you here?" I sighed after I didn't get any response and sat down at my desk. Poe sat down on my desk and looked at me.

"What are we going to do now?" He shrugged and looked around a bit more.

"Did you make all this?" He pointed at some of my almost finished droids and I nodded. "Wow, that's so cool!" I blushed a bit and he walked to one of my creations to take a better look. I heard a soft beep behind me and I turned around. BB-7 and BB-8 were hiding between the other droids and I shook my head at them.

"Did you two have fun hiding from us?" They let out a few exciting beeps and BB-8 rolled over to Poe, who was very happy to see her. Poe stood up and turned to me.

"It was fun 'hanging' out with you today, but I have some business to do. I'll see you around!" he smiled and I felt my face get red.

"Yeah, I'll see you around!" He walked out the door with BB-8 by his side and BB-7 rolled over to me. I gave her a thumbs up and she replied happily. After that we worked on a few droids together.


It's been a few days since the two BB-units ran of and Poe and I talked a lot since then. We often talked about his missions or my work and my feelings for him have only grown. But my fear of telling him have also grown.

"What are you up today?" I looked up from my work at his voice and saw him walk into my office with BB-8. BB-7 and BB-8 also became friends in the time that Poe and I hung out and their friendship is adorable! BB-7 rolled to BB-8 and they rolled out of the door together. I laughed at them and turned my attention to Poe.

"Just working on some droids." he nodded and sat on my desk, his favorite spot in my office. "You?"

"I've had boring meetings, but now I'm free. Unless the First Order decides to pull an attack on us." We laughed and I looked at him. Our eyes locked and I felt myself become red and nervous. "Is everything okay, [Y/N]?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine!" he chuckled and shook his head. He looked down for a moment before looking back up again.

"BB-8 told me something interesting." He looked at me with a serious look, which I returned.

"Is that so? What did she tell you?" I sat a bit up from my slouched position and played a bit with the edges of my shirt.

"That you like somebody." I gasped and he moved closer to me. "and lucky for you, that person likes you too!" He stood up from his spot and walked over to me, capturing my lips in a soft kiss. We broke apart and both smiled at each other.

"Those droids can be a real pain sometimes!" We both laughed and leaned in for another kiss.

I'm sorry that this one is a bit shitty. I haven't felt that good the past few days and I'm really scared. I just need someone to talk to...

Thanks for reading and I hoped you liked it, even if it was a bit shitty. Don't forget to send me your requests/ideas if you want me to write something for you.

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