Chapter 9

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Bob's POV
Do you know those movies where the main actor is seen being pursued by police officers who believe he is in the wrong yet he is not? He swerves his way through a crowd, jumps hoops and expertly hops into a car speeding off to his given destination. Well this is real life and in real life when you try to swerve through a crowd you bump into someone's shoulder. When you jump hoops you hit tables and when you try yo expertly enter a car, you hit your knee caps so bad the pain induced being  excruciating. By the time the guard put two and two together (guy looked like a sloth), I was nursing my knee caps in the back seat of a d-max. The d-max, Marie had just pulled of a robbery. I watched from the back seat window as the owner stood aghast, his face pale from shock. Marie sat in shotgun while some shady looking guy handled the wheel. He drove like a maniac, he also dressed like a maniac and did I mention he talked like one too?
"Manze we n ule dame manze!"

The guy blabbered on clearly stoked about their successful operation.
I searched the back seat frantically for some kind of disguise. I knew the owner was probably punching 911 on his cell phone. I  spotted a duffel bag stashed with...was that what I thought it was?
"Your dealing drugs now Marie?"

I didn't mean for my voice to sound patronising  but I had a large distaste for drugs and anyone who had to do with them.

"Let me worry about how to feed myself while you worry about your freedom."

I expected an answer along that line, as I said Marie always kept a poker face, you could never predict her next move.
"Manze na si ule msee amegwaya saa hii. Boss akijua amepoteza hii deal, manze msee ashakaput mbaya manze."

The guy was getting on my nerves. He was literally giving me a migraine. Marie seemed to be connected with me telepathically; she shot the guy a death glare strong enough to bring the ifle tower down. Well if indeed the owner just got played with Marie on a drug deal, he couldn't call the cops. Drugs were illegal period. I sighed at the thought, that meant more time. Speaking of which...

"Where we headed?"

I asked hoping Marie wasn't pissed at my prejudice against her work choices.

"Where else? To make a drug deal of course."

I didn't have to see the smirk to know it was there. I glanced at the time on my phone, I had three and a half hours till my dealer decided to flip me over, I had to reach him in time.

"Where is this deal again?"

Marie's long finger nails typed away on her phone creating a tap rhythm. She sighed and turned to face me, as usual apathetic.

"You'll get your lift to Naivasha, we will drop you off on our way to well you know where our deal is taking place."

A coy smile played on her face, she wouldn't disclose the location to me, she didn't want me involved. Well, good riddance, I loathed drugs with every  fibre  of my being. One of the reasons my life was a broken jigsaw was because of it, but no worries, I'd put them back together, one by one.

"One last question. Do you have some sort of disguise for me? You kinda made me lose my cap."

Deathly silence enough to suffocate spread inside the car. I actually wished that the 'manze' guy would say something. I was tossed a sports cap from upfront. Mumbling a quiet thank you, I put it on and made myself comfortable, I hadn't slept in almost twenty eight hours.

I woke up to the sound of voices, unfamiliar ones.

"Wake up Bob! NTSA wako area."

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