Chapter 35

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Teresa's POV

"I can explain please!"

I shouted to no avail. My husband stood adamant, his features cold. What had I done?

"All along you had a son with another man? I find out now? Saa hii? Malaya wewe!"
My eyes followed his retreating figure, I knew where he was going, a whore house. I glanced at the picture of us on our wedding day, so full of life and outstanding mirth. But then he had drowned himself in increasing coins and abandoned my needs, I had cheated and out of it I had gotten pregnant; he had been in the US for two years. I knew he'd never accept it especially because I hadn't been able to give him any child. His new found name would be tarnished because of his cheating wife, I'd be sent away to live on the streets with an infant. So I gave my sister the child to raise it, I'd offer financial aid, she'd offer motherly love. What I didn't know is that my sister was selfish and greedy, she kept all the money for her own family and abandoned mine causing my son, Jeremy to grow up bitter. He became even more bitter when he found out who his real birth mother was, the wife of a tycoon who has two sons, while he rotted away in the streets with no money and no motherly love. Mwangi had found a letter on his desk, with it a birth certificate attached. He had thrown me down the stairs out of sheer anger, I had woken up and crawled back to him to beg for forgiveness. I stared at his study room, we had been married for 22 years and had two children, one was adopted but we still loved him like our own, we were happy. Maybe if I had come out clean when I had Jere, all this would be avoided. I thought of Robert, my beautiful son. He filled my heart with gushes of love, he literally never left my sight. How would he take this? I had another son and hid it from them? The letter Mwangi received was an extortion, if he didn't supply money to Jeremy and let him sell drugs via our automobile company, he'd expose himself to the world as my son. Mwangi would rather die than lose his reputation but he also would never accept Jeremy as a son. Only solution was for me to leave go mend the broken heart of my frail son. My phone buzzed with vibration, it was an unknown caller.

"Hello mom? Utakuja ama nikukujie? I'd like to meet my brothers."

I swallowed hard, it was Jere. What did that mean? Was that a threat? Would he hurt my sons? Robert was in school, Darren was at the company. They'd be safe there but what if Jere was a mobster?

"I'll come, don't hurt my family please-"

"Kwani I'm not your family? Do you have any idea what I've been through?"

I could hear the pain masked with anger in his voice, the boy was hurting and it was all my fault. I had been a coward and now I had to pay for it, maybe all he needed was a little love.

"I'll come."

I didn't know I had just signed my prison sentence and I'd pay dearly for agreeing to leave the Obare premises, my son had been broken beyond repair, he was a monster.

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