Chapter 27

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Bob's POV

My eyes had become saucers the moment a gun shot blared through the sky, Jack. I had tussled the man who was pointing a gun at me knowing well that my brother had indeed requested me alive. Jack had been loyal throughout since we had met in Naivasha. He had aided me in doing the unthinkable and now he had paid the price. If only I had laid low, heeded his warning about going to the hospital; I had just led a man to his death, I might as well be the one who had pulled the trigger. After grappling for a few more minutes, I gave up. Patrick had already resided back to  his Mercedes and Marie had silently followed him at tow. How could she be so unmoved? I had deemed chemistry between the two but the woman just remained quiet, her face pale and drained. It was evident she feared our taker. Patrick's men lingered to wait for their friend but he did not show up. Patrick instructed them to leave him behind, a typical  tyrant ruler who didn't give a hoot for human life, even for the men who would take a bullet for him. I was roughly pushed inside the car, my head hitting the top of the door several times before I submitted myself to the burly men. The Mercedes strangely accommodated us with ease considering our number. I expected a cramped car but alas, money indeed made anything possible. When the key on the ignition was turned and the car's engine roared to life, I looked out the window with the last glimmer of hope that maybe just maybe Jack was not the one shot in the event of the evident murder. I sulked at the thought of his easy demeanor and charming wit, I'd never see it again. My eyes drifted to Marie, she immediately averted her gaze from me. Who was this Marie? The one I knew would be damned before giving up without a fight. The one I knew was conniving and treacherous, always planning for an escape from her captors. Now she just sat there, her dark eyes teary with uneven breathing every now and then. I suddenly yearned to comfort her, tell her everything would be alright. I glared at Patrick, what had he done to break her? My mind wandered towards my own doom. Patrick had said I'd go back to jail, had I come this far only to go back? I thought of Jere and the parcel he had given me. They'd probably confiscate it the moment I got stripped down in order to be handedprison clothes, he'd never forgive me. All this was Darren's fault. I had pieced two and two together and realized that Kim was Marie's daughter and Patrick was the father. Darren had taken it upon himself to protect Kim from Patrick. This was probably to win over Sue and also hit his competition on the knees so that he would weaken and in that event, Darren would benefit handsomely from his weakening. Why didn't Sue just tell me? I had been led to think that per harps the child was mine. Either way, she didn't deserve a father like Patrick or Darren for that matter. The world's million dollar question was why, why did Darren do this to me? Sure we were rivals in everything since childhood all the way to adulthood but murdering our own father to tarnish my reputation? Wasn't that a little extreme? I thought back to how he idolized my dad; always following his every move. He probably knew about our company's drug operation whilst I didn't. Mother had been right, father should have given the company to Darren. If only I had made sense of her words then instead of despising her for leaving us once again. If only I had digged into the company's abnormal profits or questioned the auditors harder about the amount of lucrative returns we were receiving. My power and pride had led me to believe that it was my doing, my skills, my leadership not some under cover drug operation that I was completely oblivious of. My father had been a promiscuous man and I had strongly believed that this was the reason my mother left but now I saw that it had been because she couldn't stomach the idea of being a part of a scam; an automobile company that imported cars with coke in them.

"Ongeza sauti ya radio." Patrick's voice broke my train of thoughts as his lapdog did what was asked of him.

"The country is still in shock following the Inspector General's, Stephen Malaki's murder. This took place in the capital city of Nairobi forty five minutes ago outside the police station. With two shots on the back, the Inspector lost his life while in search of the escaped convict, Robert Obare. It is believed that one of his men was sent to finish the inspector off in order to slow down his capture. This is Joseph Ng'ang'a, X FM."

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