Chapter 46

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Sue's POV
"Why you doing this?"

I whimpered helplessly as Jack dragged me into the dark room. He only grunted and closed the door behind him, telling  the burly man he was going to teach me a lesson. I shuddered at the words; only Darren used them when he wanted to beat me up.

"Please just-"

I was cut off by the click of the lights. The dark little room lit up revealing a very scared Kimberly being held by another girl, she was around thirteen years old. They were huddled up into the furthest corner, my heart stopped at the sight. I couldn't believe it, she was here, alive. Kimberly's face lit up like a Christmas tree once she spotted me, those hazel eyes glistened under the light generated by the bulb. I sprinted towards her not caring what Jack would do to me, I had to hug my baby. I watched as she detached herself from the girl's grasp. I watched as her tenderly blushed face became even rosier, she fell into my arms and buried her head into my shoulder, we both cried. I let out my grief and sorrow to the only other person who could fathom the pain of losing Marie, she didn't know it at that moment but she had lost her mother.

"Shush princess, shshsh."

"Mummy...ulikuwa w-wapi?"

I couldn't come up with a well formed answer so instead I increased the intensity of my hug. I was so lost in the joy of seeing Kim, I forgot Jack and the girl. I quickly rose up from my squatting position and shoved Kim behind me. I was ready to pounce, anything to keep my daughter with me. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets when I turned towards Jack; right there in the middle of the room stood Jack embracing the thirteen year old and oh my God, he was crying.

"J ni nini inaendelea? Mum ako wapi?" The young girl spoke to Jack with unknown familiarity. I angled my head to get a good look at her. I hadn't paid attention before, but I could definitely see it now. The girl resembled Jack in every aspect of his being. She had his height, his stature, his face and even his eyes. She was  either his offspring or his sibling.

"Sis don't worry, I'll get you to Ma okay? I need you to stay calm and do as I say."

Well that question was answered, Jack was the girl's brother. The girl gave a timid nod and turned to look at Kim and I. I looked down at Kim who was smiling at the girl, they had certainly bonded.

" Aren't you going to introduce me?" I asked hoping to break the ice.

"Is she your girlfriend?" The teenager asked, making kissy faces at her brother. Siblings, always fun to have them around, it made me miss mine.

"No, her name is Susan. Her boyfriends are down the hall getting pounded by Jere."

The smug smile that had plastered on the girl's face faded at the name Jere. She turned to look at me, probably wondering why I had two boyfriends, who was the dad to Kimberly and how I had got looped up with a guy like Jere. There was an easy answer to all of that, Bob. Meeting him opened a series of doorways in my life, yeeeiy love!

"She's Diana-"

"He means Dee, don't call me da-ya-na." She slurred her last name earning a chuckle from me, I liked her.

"Well I suppose your his sister." I concluded for Jack.

"Unfortunately, yes."
Dee rolled her eyes at her brother's response and gave him a friendly punch on his arm.

"Mummy? I'm hungry."

My sleeve was being tugged by Kim, the subsequent rumble in her tummy confirmed her pleas.

"We have to move. Its only a matter of time before the guy at the door realizes he has been played."

I nodded in agreement and crouched to level myself with Kim.

"I'll give you cake but on one condition."

An eager smile crept on her face.

"We have to get out of here and follow uncle Jack and aunty Dee."

I pointed at Dee and Jack who both gave a small smile to the five year old crazy for sugar rush. She bobbed her head in agreement and held the hand I put out for her.

"What's the plan?" Dee asked. We turned and looked at Jack. He appeared to be deep in his own thoughts, the last time he was like this I was played real good.

"The kid said she was hungry right?"

All of us turned to look at Kim who was busy suckling her thumb, oblivious of the adult and teen business.

"Let's get her food then."

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