Chapter 11

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Bob's POV

Cold sweat formed on the side of my face. Involuntary twiddling of my thumbs began promptly. I couldn't go back to the pit, I just couldn't. Jere would probably term me as a foe for not fulfilling my promise thus granting everyone I had ever vexed in prison access to come after my blood. Those blood hounds would tear me to pieces at the sound of a whistle.

"License and registration."

I watched nervously as Marie fumbled her purse planning to fish out the said documents; well more like forged documents. The NTSA officer darted his eyes between Marie and the 'manze guy' before assessing the documents in his palm. I could see the others were comfortable, not at all deterred by the situation. That gave me a little root of confidence, I was after all dealing with a certified con woman.

"Nice try lady, where are the real licence and registration of this vehicle."

In one fluid movement, 'manze guy' jerked the car forward almost knocking over the officer. He expertly swivelled his way through the line of matatus awaiting their fate. The 'manze guy' stepped on the wheel giving us a good head start from the guys in green. Just great. I was an escaped convict in a stolen car with NTSA on our tail. Marie calmly took her cell phone from her purse and sent a message. The NTSA was on to us and sooner or later their back up would appear and we would be cornered. Did I mention there was a big bag of coke playing the role of my seat mate?
That's when it happened. Whatever message Marie had sent did magic. Matatus that were at bay awaiting assessment were now roaring to life and heading to diverse directions. There were so many, the NTSA officers just came to a halt, alighted there vehicles and stood rooted to the spot astounded by the scene unfolding before them. Cars were stopping everywhere as people got out to capture this scene on video. It would go up as viral in a matter of minutes. Soon after we were out of sight treading a hidden rough road with no one in pursuit.

"Manze Ciru si umeweza! Hao wasee saa hii wanakula vumbi tu. Hawatuoni!"
Jango, our designated driver and who I had finally learnt his name, chirped excitedly. Not even Marie had the heart to snap at him to be silent. I was elated myself, relieved to say the least but something still bothered me.

"What about the number plate? I'm sure the officer scribbled it down." I voiced.

"Relax, I know a guy who can change the car plate."

Indeed, a certified con woman. I let myself relax into my seat, back to my nap as Jango chatted away happily about how sleek Marie was, I whole heartidly agreed with every word he said.

A shrill sound brought me back to the land of the living. Granted, I felt the sheer urge to murder the source of that annoying sound, which turned out to be from me. My cell phone was ringing. Sleep drained from my body in micro seconds as my eyes landed on the time frame on the screen, it was 7:00 pm. The shrill sound split through the air yet again gaining sneers from everyone in the car. I quickly answered it, not wanting to piss them off.

"Your not here. Nlisema 7:00 pm. I've left a note. Nmeenda."

Before I could even plead my case, the other line went dead. My heart fell. How was I going to get a lead on proving my innocence now? Marie turned on her seat to look at me. For a moment, her dark orbs flashed with concern but they were quickly splashed with impassiveness.

"My dealer has left but he says there is some note for me where we were to meet."

Marie nodded and proceeded to tell Jango to drop me off at the given location. By the time we reached there, I was late by six minutes. Whatever happened to African time? I alighted the car after pinning my cap firmly on my head to cover my face, I was still a wanted man. I thanked both Marie and Jango for the lift. Marie promised to keep in touch handing me a tied bundle of money. I smiled to her gratefully. If my heart hadn't been already enchanted by Sue, I'd take Marie to church and marry her for helping me that much. The d-max sped off leaving me alone in Naivasha. Tom had specified our meeting coordinates and indeed after a few minutes of searching, I found a well hidden note with my name on it.

Njani estate, house number 34. I will be in touch Bob. Oh and he will help you.

I furrowed my eyebrows at the last statement. He will help me? He who? Lifting myself off the ground from my crouched position, a blunt object hit the back off my head sending me flat on my face, I blacked out.

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