Chapter 50

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Bob's POV
"Breaking news coming to you live from Njani estate in Naivasha this morning. We are standing at the ruins of what was once a manor in one of the prominent estates in this county. This is as a result of a body bomb going off at this exact place killing Teresa Obare, the host of the bomb. This, according to the Inspector General, George Turget was the only way to control the number of casualties that would have otherwise occurred if indeed the bomb had been left without a living person. According to a bomb specialist, Alex Tanui, the specific bomb is a new invention reported to have originated from Iraq and its special ability is the fact that it can only cause controlled damage if its attached to a beating heart. How this bomb got in the hands of Jeremy Oloo, the curtain raiser of this particular show, no one knows. The police department has launched an investigation on how the bomb entered the country. In other news, the CS, Katiang'i has just released a press statement fully stating that Robert Obare is an innocent man who had been pushed down the wrong path. He says that Mr Obare is a free man, effective immediately and that the man behind his crimes and framing was his half brother, Jeremy Oloo. This is your news reporter, Alice Mutunga, Citizen TV."

I switched off the TV in my private ward for the third time since I came to. Different TV stations broadcasted different pieces of what had really happened the previous night; a lot of information had been crossed over. I didn't know what to feel anymore. Five years washing away in prison, ordeals with death, my family's safety in jeopardy and all the government had to say was that I was innocent and I had wrongly been pushed down a path? But what had I expected? An apology? I sighed and turned in my comfortable bed draped in white sheets. I had missed that, a comfortable bed but not more than my freedom. I couldn't believe it, I was actually free. A picture of my mother crossed my mind, she was dead. She had sacrificed herself for all of us. Life was quite unfair, good people make one mistake and their road closes in engulfing them inside an air drained bubble. I thought of Marie and her carefree ways; I missed her already. My eyes wandered to the fumbling door knob, Susan walked in the private wing wearing her hair down, a lazy smile on her face.

"Good morning sunshine."

She walked over the curtains and pulled them apart inviting sun rays into the dim lit room. The rays blinded me instantly and I shut my eyes as a reflex.

"Sue! Close the curtains!"

I heard a low chuckle bubbling from Sue's direction and smiled; she was happy I felt it.

"Stop being a baby, you are too old for that. Now open your eyes and look at the most beautiful woman in the world."

Indeed, she was the most beautiful woman in the world. God I had missed ogling at her; just endlessly staring into her hazel eyes and those egg shelled teeth.

"You should be sleeping Sue. Just last night you almost died."

Sue averted her eyes and heaved a sigh, suddenly she looked tired.

"When I heard you were up, I was elated I had to come. I miss her Bob, I miss Marie."

I held out my hand to her and cupped her face. I saw the streak of tears on her face, she had been crying earlier.

"Its going to be okay dear. You'll see. I'm sure she's dancing with the angels odi style."

Sue chuckled and slapped me lightly on my shoulder.

"Well Kim is over at Jack's, I vouched for him. He was also a victim of Jere."

I nodded in agreement. I was relieved he wasn't a traitor.

"Where is Marie? I mean her...body."

Sue looked away thought fully. Sure we had seen her go into a series of convulsions but she hadn't died in front of us and if Jack was indeed on our side...

"Do you think? No no it can't be, Jack would have said something." Sue said waking up to pace about the room.

"Well not necessarily. Maybe her chances were low and he didn't want to worry you?"

Sue's eyes widened. I didn't believe in miracles but the point my life had reached, even I believed God exists. The thought of my mother crossed my mind again, I missed her unwavering faith.

Sue fished out her phone and dialed. It rang once before Jack's foghorn voice came through on the loudspeaker.

"Is my sister alive?"

Time stood still as we awaited the answer.

"Yes Sue, she's in the same hospital as Bob. I'm with her. She's in bad shape though."

Sue screamed and released her phone in shock. I couldn't believe it either, Marie was alive.

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