Chapter 1. Blue Jeans White Shirt.

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"Elizabeth!" my mother calls out from downstairs. Rubbing the sleep out from my eyes, I remove the bed sheets off of my body and take a quick glance at the clock on my beside table. I make my bed quickly and begin to walk toward my bathroom.

"Elizabeth!" she yells again.

"I'm up!" I yell back to assure her. She doesn't yell my name again so I assume she heard.

Due to the fact that my alarm clock is not working, my mother has had to wake me for the past 3 days. It's not like Maria, my childhood Nanny, couldn't do so, but father has let her come in later than she is suppose to lately because of the cold she caught, and that is okay by everyone. We all love Maria and she is older now, 50's I believe, and needs more rest to fight off this cold. We all insisted that she take a couple days off but she, being stubborn, refuses.

I splash cold water on my face to wake me up a bit and add my face wash afterwards, rubbing my face with the lavender feely soap . I showered last night to avoid having to wake up earlier to shower and then blow dry hair which I now pat myself on the back for. Thankfully, my hair did not get frizzy during my slumber.

I brush my teeth and head out of my bathroom, going into my closet to dress in the outfit I laid out for myself to wear yesterday. People could say I am very organized, and I wouldn't disagree. Being organized has always been me and is a very helpful thing to be to a busy person like myself. If I wasn't organized..... well, I don't even want to think about that.

I pull my sleeping shirt over my head and toss it into the hamper. I have worn that shirt to sleep in for over 2 weeks now. Which is not dirty or discussing. I put it on after showering so I have been squeaky clean everytime I've worn it, thank you very much.

I put on a plain white bra and then my large round pale pink shirt over my head, sliding on my white cardigan afterwards. I slip on my skinny blue denim jeans before putting on my brown flats and look at myself in the full length mirror afterwards. My outfit isn't too dramatically fancy, but it isn't too slackerish. It's simple, yet cute. I give myself one last glance, telling myself mother will let it pass, and then head out of there.

I grab my bag from my desk chair and glance at myself in the mirror one last time before going downstairs, feeling insecure. My warm golden brown hair is straight, hardly any hair out of place and my clothes are neatly ironed, so I have no idea why I am feeling insecure. Maybe it's my face? I have no makeup on, but that is because mother has told me repeatedly I don't need any. I have never worn make up for a long period of time before, but I was tempted to once.

I would see how the girls around me in the 8th grade started wearing it and how it made them get attention from boys. I had wanted that as well, so I took the makeup from my mothers makeup dresser and attempted to apply some myself. I had seen my mother apply makeup before so I knew the basics, what to put on and where, how carefully to apply things. When I was finished I didn't look like those girls at school did, but I didn't look terrible. I was kinda've pleased with how I looked, but then wasn't sure.

While I was looking at myself in the mirror, Maria walked in. She had question what I was doing and how my mother would be furious. She started to take the gunk off of my face in an attempt to keep my mother from ever finding out what I'd done, but mother walked in before she could finish and asked what was going on. Neither Maria or I spoke up so mother asked again, starting to grow angry. Finally, Maria spoke up and I got in trouble. I was embarrassed. Mother made me feel like a fool for even considering putting make up on and kept saying how ridiculous I looked. Finally I couldn't take anymore and I ran out crying, feeling stupid and just embarrassed for trying to do what I did. Maria later comforted me and apologized on my mothers behalf but I was never quite sure if my mother actually apologized or Maria just said she did to make me feel better, I still aren't sure.

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