Chapter 14. Wrong Idea.

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As I tighten my grip on the steering wheel, I try to take easy, calming breathes. Trying to get what just happened out of my head. Which of course, doesn't work.

I reach an intersection and stop at the sight of a two girls waiting to cross. Sighing, I run a hand through my hair and try to process what just happened. What did just happen? One minute I am leaving school and the next I am letting my anger get the best of me and am confronting Henry Dean. I dont know exactly what I was expecting to gain confronting him the way I did. Him no longer staring at me?

The two girls reach the other end of the street and I push the gas, again beginning to drive. I reach the house in a matter of minutes and head straight upstairs. I close the door to my bedroom and walk over to my bed, sitting down at the foot of it once I reach it. What was that? I think to myself, shaking my right leg repeatedly.

"You intrigue me."

his words repeat in my head, over and over again. It wasn't so much that he said it that bothered me, but more the way he said it. Something about it made me melt and want to runaway from him at the same time, which ironically, is exactly what I did. I ran away.

What am I suppose to do when I see him now? Pretend like what he told me never happened? Ignore his staring if it continues? I should have just gone on with what I was doing. It would have saved me from all of this. Finally becoming irritated with the subject and myself, I get up off the bed and walk into the bathroom. I start the water before beginning to remove my clothes and touch the water with my fingertips, making sure the water is warm enough before proceeding to get in.

I tie my hair in a bun and take my time as I wash my body, letting it get the relaxation it needs. That I need. I get out of the shower after about 10 minutes and decide on slipping into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt to do my homework in, not feeling like getting into the dress I was wearing all morning.

I finish with all my homework by 1:30 and decide to head downstairs to eat before going back to school for the meeting. Maria ends up making me a sandwich that I finish in no time and I ask if there is anything she needs, surprisingly, there is. She gives me a list of the groceries we are in need of and I tell her I will be back just a little before 3 due to the meeting I will
be going to.

I pass by the store first and make it to the school just a few minutes past 2:25. When I get to the gym I see all the girls, both JV and Varsity all already there, including Brandon.

"Well. Look who showed up." Brandon remarks teasingly. I roll my eyes playfully, continuing to walk towards the group.

"Hi Lizzy!" all the JV girls say, one after another. Some at the same time. I smile and give a polite wave.

"Hey Liz." the Varsity girls greet, their tones less enthusiastic, them being more use to me than the JV girls. I spot Jaime and walk over to her to stand by quietly as Brandon says everything she and I predicted he would. The only time I speak is when the girls asks questions, sometimes even Brandon.

The meeting finishes after only 15 minutes and I am relieved just as Jaime. This meeting mostly is just for JV, Varsity already knows all the fundraising we will do, when the practices will be held, etc. Everything all the girls in JV are going to get use to after this season if they decide to play again. I finish talking to Brandon after the meeting to clear a few things about the uniforms and exit the gym with Jaime, hand in hand.

I don't mention on the drive to Jaime's about my little confrontation with Henry Dean, and don't exactly know why. It just seems like something.. not to mention. Knowing Jaime, she will easily jump to assumptions, and I don't want that. Especially because of Nolan. I don't want Jaime getting the wrong idea. I like Nolan, and nothing will change that. Especially a stupid remark made from someone who means nothing.

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