Chapter 7. look who we have here.

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I pick at my fries, dragging one along the plate and marinating it on the small puddle of ketchup at the corner of my plate. I bring it up to my lips out of boredom and chew slowly, trying to savor the taste but I am too full. I finished my burger 7 minutes ago and have been waiting for Jaime to do the same ever since. I am a very slow eater when I am not in a rush so she is taking a very, very long time eating.

"You almost done Jaim?" I ask. She looks up at me momentarily and looks back down at her phone.

"Yeah. Just finished." I look over at her plate and see a little less than a half of her burger left. Then again, she did have two milkshakes.

"Are you sure we should go right now? I mean its still pretty early," I say. She looks down at the table and then back up at me.

"Oh, yeah. No need to arrive fashionably late." But, that's usually her thing. "Here hand me then keys,"

"Oh no, it's fine. I'll drive. I know where John Bradley lives."

"You've been driving all day, here I insist." I look at her wearily.

We leave Beefy's Burgers shortly afterwards, and I let Jaime drive after her constant insisting. She kept on saying how she wanted to drive because of how bored she gets of just sitting there, but I'am not entirely sure that is the reason behind her wanting to drive.

On the car ride to John Bradley's house I fuss over the radio. There are no good songs playing on and I am really starting to get fed up. Finally, after about 2 more minutes of struggling to find something good to hear, I find Coldplay's Viva La Vida and sit back against the seat in relief.

"Finally found one?" Jaime asks. I look over at her and nod.

"There are no good songs on right now what so ever, it's almost-" I stop and see us pass the town sign. "Jaime, what are you doing? You just got out of town."

She tightens her grip on the steering wheel and refuses to look back at me.

"Jaime." She ignores me. "Jaime!"

"Alright, I lied." I feel my eyebrows raise, "We are going to a collage party instead of John Bradley's."

"What!?" she pulls her neck into her chest at my sudden outburst, almost flinching even. "How could you lie to me about this! Jaime, my parents think I am going to be at John Bradley's! Not some college party!"

"Technically it's a frat party.." she says.

"Even worse! How could you do this!?" I slump against the seat. I could get in so much trouble for this, mother didn't even let me come to this. Dad did, he trusted me and convinced mom to let me come as well.

"Look, John Bradley's was going to be a bore really, same people as the other years. This party will be more exciting, people we don't know! You could get your kissing lesson from a college guy! And you will never see him again because he's in college, it's better really. It'll be fun." I don't know what to say. She lied to me, and I can get in huge trouble.

"What if something happens? What if my parents find out?" I ask.

"Nothing will happen and your parents will not, I repeat, will not, find out." She looks away from the road and over at me. "It'll be fine Lizzy."

I shouldn't even be thinking about this. I should be telling her to turn this car around right now and go straight to my house, but I'm not going to. Why do I let her get me into these situations? This is why she wanted to drive.

"Fine." she sighs. I can't believe I am doing this.

Once we reach the block where the frat house is, you can tell that a party is being held. Jaime and I end up having to park two blocks over and I almost try to get the keys from her and convince her to get in the car so we can go back, but I don't. That would be impossible to do.

When we reach the frat house, the front yard is covered in people. All unrecognizable faces and a lot of girls are wearing outfits that make me look like I am wearing a garbage bag. If I feel insecure and uncomfortable just showing my stomach like I am, I can't imagine how I would feel wearing one of those girls' outfits. I shiver at the thought.

The shoving trying to get through the crowd and into the house is ridiculous. I almost think we will never make it inside and think about turning back and just waiting for Jaime in the car, but she wouldn't let that happen.

Once we finally get into the house, I am almost immediately handed a drink by a preppy brown haired boy. I smell the cup once and set it down on the nearest table. There is no way I am drinking tonight.

"We're here," you don't say. "I'm going to mingle, you should do the same."

"I'm good." I say. I cross my arms in front of my tummy and look around.

"C'mon Lizzy, at least try."

"I will, I'm just going to get a water okay?" she lets out a breath of defeat.

"Alright, come back soon." I nod and watch her walk into what looks like the living room. She immediately catches the attention of a boy and starts up a conversation with him. I laugh to myself and walk away looking for a bottle of water. All the drink containers seem to just be full with all sorts of alcohol and I almost give up, until I walk into the kitchen and catch sight of the refrigerator. I pass people who are either pushing me out of their way, making out heavily or are drunk and trying to catch my attention. All make me uncomfortable.

I open up the refrigerator and see a couple of bottled waters. I smile to myself and reach over to grab one. I then close the refrigerator door and turn to exit the kitchen, but bump into someone during the process.

"Well well well, look who we have here."

An: dun dun dun! Who do you think it is? Comment, vote, favorite, and follow! Xx

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