Chapter 3. Dont know how to what?

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Nolan and I make our way out of the front doors of the school, hand in hand. We have been bickering about him walking me to class for most of the time while walking together and I am not entirely sure if I am winning.

"Nolan you are not going to be walking me anymore." He shakes his head and I groan in annoyance.

"Not a chance Lizzy," he is being so annoying.

"If you keep walking me you will continue to be late to class, and I don't want that. Especially with Ms. Carter being your teacher."

I have a valid point, and he knows that. Why can't he just say okay and be done with this?

"Nope. I am walking you I don't care if I go late every day for the rest of the school year Lizzy." He pauses, "I'll walk fast, run even. How does that sound?"

"Fine." I give in. He smiles and I almost take it back just so he won't be so full of himself.

"Well well well, look who we have here. The two love birds." Jaime gives us her wicked grin and I blush. She always has to embarrass me.

"Hey Jaime," Nolan greets politely. She walks closer to us and interlocks her arm with mine.

"I hate to do this to you Nolan but I need to borrow my bestfriend for a while, serious business. Stuff like that." Nolan looks disappointed for a bit but smiles quickly after, letting Jaimie have her way with me.

"Okay, I'll call you later." He smiles. He pulls me in for a kiss but I stop him midway. Looking over at Jaime.

"What?!" She seems surprised. "Fine I won't look, there. Happy?" she covers her eyes and turns around.

I smile to myself and go on my tippy toes to kiss Nolan. He holds me closer to him by my lower back for a few seconds, then moves his hands up to my face to hold in between them, deepening the kiss. He grazes my bottom lip with his tongue gently, begging for entrance. I freeze.

"Alright that's enough of that thank you very much see you later Nolan," Jaimie pulls me away quickly and I cover my mouth with my hand.

Oh my god, I can't believe he did that. I feel myself growing hot. I wave goodbye to Nolan, and he looks the same way I feel.

"That was steamy," Jaime says. I blush and look down at the floor.

"You weren't suppose to be looking!" I say.

"Well I wasn't, but when you where taking a century I had to." I roll my eyes and look back at her. She looks more serious but still giddy.

"Why didn't you want to kiss him back?" I blush and think of an excuse.

"Well you interrupted before I could," we move out of the way quickly to the left to let a curly haired boy in a motorcycle pass by. Jerk. He shouldn't be going so fast.

"Only after I saw you hesitating, seriously Lizzy. Do you not want to kiss Nolan?" She raises her eyebrows.

"No! It's not like that," I let go of her arm and swing my bag in front of me, reaching my hands inside to get the car keys. She makes her way to the passenger side of the car and taps the hood of the car impatiently with her hands as I struggle to find them.

"Then what is it?" I am too embarrassed to admit that I do not know how to kiss that way to Jaime, she's an expert at all of this. How to act with boys and how to kiss and just everything. I am about as good at this kind of stuff as a fish would be at climbing a tree. But she is my best friend...

"I just don't know how to, you know." I find the keys and quickly push the button to unlock the car.

"No, I don't Lizzy. You don't know how to what?" I quickly enter the car, trying to lose the subject. But I know Jaime, and I know it won't happen that easily. I hear her yelp and open the passenger side door, entering quickly.

"Elizabeth you tell me this very second or I will walk home." I start the engine and buckle my seat belt.

"Fine by me, close the door." She huffs and leaves the door open.

"And I won't talk to you for... a week." I chuckle and look back at her.

"Again, fine by me. Close the door." she stares me down, squinting her beady blue eyes.

"Tell me. Now." I huff in defeat and nod my head. She closes the door then and looks over at me.

Her eyes being on me like that makes it even more embarrassing.

"I- I don't know.. how to.." she is still looking at me. Intently. Impatiently, to be more spot on. Oh god. She gestures her head and hands for me to just spill it already and finally, I do.

"Idontknowhowtokissthatway." she looks at me confused.

"What?" I sigh in annoyance.

"That I don't know how to kiss that way! Okay?" I cross my arms and look away from her. This is so embarrassing.

"Wait, French kiss? You're telling me that you don't know how to french kiss?" I nod and she gasps, making it worse.

"But 8th grade, Lauren Jacobson's party, we played truth or dare and I dared you to 10 minutes of heaven with Toby Scott! With tongue! You had such a huge crush on him Lizzy!"

I uncross my arms and finally look over at an exasperated, ranting Jaime.

"I know I know! But I chickened out! I made him promise not to tell by doing his homework for a month!"

"Oh my god, you little bitch! You wussed out! You knew how hard I tried getting Toby to go to that party!"

I knew this day would come. Jaime had to eventually find out that I didn't kiss Toby Scott that day in Lauren Jacobson's basement closet. I just hoped she wouldn't ever find out.

"I know Jaim, I know, but I just couldn't do it. I mean I had such a huge crush on him and he already knew how to kiss like that! He had kissed so many girls, he was so experienced. I wasn't!"

"That's why you go for it Lizzy! Learn! You kiss your crush the second you get the chance to!"

I look away from her then, staring out of the car. She does the same, I can see it from the corner of my eye.

"Well I won't have this, you are going to learn how to French kiss today. You and Nolan aren't official yet and there's a party today at John Bradley's house. I won't have my best friend being 18 and not knowing how to French kiss." I look over at her.

"I can't. That's practically cheating Jaime, Nolan and I are-"

"Not a couple yet. You act like one maybe, but aren't official. He doesn't have to know about this anyways."

I feel extremely guilty, I would feel so bad if Nolan was kissing someone else while we where... talking? We have been kissing more...


I want to know how to French kiss before Nolan and I start kissing that way and he doesn't even need to know about this. He doesn't. And like Jaime said, we aren't even together. But how would you feel if he kissed someone else, my subconscious tells me. I decide to ignore her and start to reverse out of the parking space.

"Yay! Okay, we are passing by Sunkiss. I was going to tell you to go there anyways so I could pick out an outfit for tonight."

I look over at her momentarily.

"You weren't going to invite me before I told you I don't know how to French kiss?" she looks over at me.

"Well you never go to parties and besides, your mom wouldn't let you go," we both look at each other. Mom. She won't let me go.

"Shit," Jaime cusses under her breath. I'm glad she said it. Because I don't like to cuss.

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