Chapter 11. Wait up!

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When I wake the next morning I instantly feel the hours of lost sleep starting to tug me down. Telling me to stay in bed, to not get up and get ready for school, but I push those thoughts aside and get up anyway, making my way into the restroom to do my morning routine. I turn on the faucet and wet my tooth brush, forcing my eyes to stay open as I squirt a line of tooth paste onto the brush before beginning to brush my teeth.

Going to that party was a bad idea, I knew it was. I should have never listened to Jaime. This is most tired I have ever been waking up for school, ever. The latest I have been asleep by on a school night being 9 o'clock, no later. It was almost midnight by the time I went to sleep last night.

I finish brushing my teeth and quickly wash my face, using cold water instead of warm. Hoping that it will wake me a bit, and it does, but not as much as I wish it would have. I walk out of the restroom and over to my make up dresser, taking out my curling iron from the bottom right drawer. I plug the connection into the wall and switch the iron ion, walking away to the closet to pick out an outfit for the day as it begins to heat up.

Once inside my closet, I walk over to my dresses. I know it will be warm out today, but mostly, I am too lazy to make an effort of putting on jeans or shorts. I pick out a peach colored sundress and make my way over to my white vintage heels but stop myself once I reach for them. Heels? To school? No. I reach for my brown flats with the bow on them instead and walk to where I keep my cardigans, taking a white one instinctively.

I walk out of the closet and rub my eyes as I yawn, lazily walking back over to the make up dresser. I sit down and look into the vanity mirror, seeing a messy haired looking zombie. I open the top drawer and get my brush, starting to run it through my hair as I close my eyes. Trying to get any form of more sleep. When finishing brushing my hair I reach over for the iron, hovering my hand over to see if it it hot enough to start doing my hair. Once I feel the heat coming off the iron, I pick it up and begin to curl my hair.

I hold the iron and feel my eyes starting to drift away, my body slightly falling to the side. I then realize I am about to fall and catch myself, but am not quick enough to stop my finger from coming in contact with the iron.

"Shoot." I curse under my breath.

I bring my finger to my mouth instinctively and begin to marinate it with my saliva. Hoping to get rid of the burning sensation that is currently coursing through my finger. I begin to wag my finger in the air, starting to feel some sort of relief with the cool air against the burn, but overall, still feeling the burn on my skin.

Finally deciding to leave it alone, I finish curling my hair, disconnecting the iron and pulling my sleeping shirt over my head carefully, making sure not to ruin my hair. I walk over to my drawer and grab a plain pair of white cotton underwear garments. I hook on my bra expertly and slip some black volleyball spandex that I have rarely used lately over my underwear, walking over to the peach colored sundress laid out on the bed. I shimmy into the dress and easily slip on my flats, walking over to the make up dresser to get a bobby pin from the drawer. I pin my hair out of my face and walk over to my bed, grabbing my cardigan quickly and finally grabbing my school bag and phone before exiting the room.

While walking down the stairs, I feel a short vibration come from my phone and once under inspection, I see it is a text message. From Jaime.

Can you pick me up for school today?Still haven't gotten my car back /:

It reads. For the past 2 weeks Jaime has come home late repeatedly, even after several warnings from her parents. And once she woke up in her car hungover, parked in her mothers rose bushes, it was the last straw for her parents. I felt more sympathy for Mrs. King than Jaime after that. She puts so much work and love into her gardening. Her award winning roses gone, in just seconds. But, I can't not give her a ride to school either.

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