Chapter 12. Shut up.

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After Jaime finished eating breakfast we went back to my car. We chatted for a bit, but once cars started to appear, I knew we weren't far from 7:00. Jaime began applying her eye liner while I semi reviewed over my homework. I occasionally would look over at her and watch in wonder how she managed to get such straight lines. Applying eye liner isn't the easiest thing to do, I would know, but somehow she makes it seem like it is.

"The meeting is today right?" Jaime asks, taking my attention away from her make up applying.

"What?" I ask. " Oh- yeah, after school in the gym." I look away from her then and begin running my finger under a sentence on my worksheet, reading it to make sure it makes sense.

The volleyball meeting being held today should be short, Brandon told me he only wants to go over what he thinks some of the girls aren't clear on. Like fundraising, when practices will start again, etc. During summer practices, he told us school practices will start the first day of school. But due to the athletic director, we had to have a change of plans.

"Alright. The last thing I need is Brandon grilling me over missing this meeting."

I look up at Jaime and smile. We were only freshman when Brandon was a senior, and with him being in the guys Varsity volleyball team, we instantly formed a friendship with him. So when sophomore year came for Jaime and I, and Brandon took over for his father coaching both J.V and Varsity teams for girls volleyball, it was a bit foreign taking orders from him.

"He isn't so bad." I try to help.

"Easy for you to say. He favorites you."

"Does not." I defend.

"Anyone with eyes and or ears can tell." She finishes applying her eyeliner and puts it away in her bag. I decide then to put away my work as well, taking out my binder and carefully placing my work in a folder so it won't get wrinkled.

"He doesn't favorite me." I say quickly. "We should start heading inside, it's 7:00 already." I change the subject. Jaime rolls her eyes, but ultimately agrees with me and starts heading out.


We reach the table we sit at during lunch and I greet my group of friends that are already there. I take a seat next to Angelina and start a conversation with her about her volunteering at the animal shelter located in the main part of town. She is always telling me how I should go, how much ill love it. But my schedule is always so busy that I always tell her I can't, but today I tell her how I may be able to. My schedule isn't as hectic as the past years and Angelina being the animal lover she is, squeals at this and gives me a hug. Ranting about how I will not regret this. I only smile at her, telling her how excited I am about this.

"Hey guys." Liam greets. I look up and flash him a quick smile, but it soon fades as I see Nolan is not with him. That's odd. Him and Liam always ride to school together.

"Um.. where's Nolan?" I ask.

"Oh he said his sister was going to give him a ride today." Liam informs me. I didn't even know his sister was back in town.


I lift my bag from the table to retrieve my phone, already planning on sending Nolan a message. However when I look inside, moving things to make sure I didn't miss anything, I don't find it. I must have left it in the car.

"I'll be right back guys, I left my phone in my car." I get up from the table, walking at a calm pace towards the car as I continue to check if my phone is in my bag. Nothing. I guess I just forgot to put it back in my bag.

When I reach the parking lot, I see the car that stole my space parked right next to me. Still satisfied that I got my spot, I walk the rest of the way with a small smile on my face. I unlock the car and open the door, immediately seeing my phone on my seat. Phew. It's not like someone would break into my car to steal my phone, it isn't very valuable, but just seeing it there makes relief flood throughout my body.

I quickly retrieve it and close the door, locking the car with the button on my keys when suddenly I feel a pair of hands come down on my waist. I jump, causing my keys to fall. Luckily, I have a death grip on my phone, so it doesn't see the same fate my keys did. I turn around after my small scare and see Nolan, a smile on his face and amusement in his eyes.

"Nolan!" I whack his arm lightly. I join him in his fit of laughter and grab my keys from the floor, putting them along with my phone inside my bag right away. Nolan continues his laughter and I shove him lightly.

"You scared me! I could have dropped my phone."

"I'm sorry." he laughs. "I had to. The opportunity was right there."

I roll my eyes and cross my arms, looking away from him as he continues to laugh.

"You should have seen your face." he teases.

"Shut up." I say, half joking.

"I'm sorry." he laughs. A smile tugs at my lips but I won't budge, it's only when he brings his hand to my cheek and puts his lips against mine that I remove my arms from across my chest and bring them to his waist, pulling him in closer to me. I feel his lips curl up into a smile and I finally break, smiling along with him.

"I missed you." he whispers. My smile grows wider.

"I missed you too." he gives me one more kiss before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and I lean my head into him.

"Let's head inside already."

"Okay." I agree. I lean into him and look to the side, only to see Henry Dean there. Looking at me, smiling the same smirk he had plastered on his face last night. I start to feel embarrassed then. Has he been looking at me this whole time? It dawns on me then, did he see Nolan and I kiss? That thought alone makes me feel embarrassed.

Not being able to take it anymore, I look away from his intense blue gaze. And am left wondering how he, a person I don't know for the slightest thing, can make me feel the way I just felt thinking of the possibility of him watching me kiss Nolan.

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