Chapter 9. blue blue

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Once I make it inside of the fraternity, I start looking for Jaime right away. I need to tell somebody what just happened and Jaime has to be the first person to know. I make my way through the crowded living room, looking in every direction for Jaime. Finally, I find her on a sofa being more than friendly with a tan blonde.

"Jaime." she ignores me. "Jaime!"

She breaks away from her embrace, cheeks flushed and lips red.

"What?" she asks, flustered.

"We have to go," I say. The tan blonde continues to kiss at Jaime's neck and I cringe a little.

"Uhh..." she says, too distracted to even care about what I am saying.

"Nolan asked me to be his girlfriend."

"What!?" that got her attention. She lightly pushes the blonde off of her and gives him another lingering kiss.

"I have to go, I'll see you."

"What?" he asks.

"I'm sorry I just have to, " kiss. "I'll see you." kiss. "Thanks for everything." kiss.

The blonde looks exasperated and as flushed as Jaime. He gives me an annoyed look and I look away. He can just find someone else to mess around with, god knows Jaime isn't the first and last girl he'll kiss at this party. Jaime adjusts her shirt and we start to walk out of the fraternity.

"When did he ask you, is he here?" she asks once we are walking on the front lawn.

"A few minutes ago, he called." I say.

"Romantic." Jaime says sarcastically.

"I know, but he said he couldn't wait any longer," she looks at me. "Jaime... I have a boyfriend!"

She smiles at me and looks just as excited as I am. I hug her and squeeze tightly, letting out all my excitement. "I have a boyfriend!" I gush. She laughs and pulls away to look at me.

"About damn time babe."

I have never had a boyfriend, as embarrassing as it is to admit. Guys just don't look at me that way. Don't get me wrong, I have kissed a boy before Nolan, but I don't know if a quick peck on the lips and then him kicking me in the shin and running away from me when I was 11 counts. It was at our lake house, and our neighbors the Jacobson's had a son named Brian around my age. We were friends, we would play and to be honest I had grown close to him, he was the only kid around my age close to our cabin so I had no one else to play with unless all of us kids would meet up at the main dock, which mother rarely let me go to, usually it was father who would let me go.

We where under the big oak tree when I had suggested it, saying that neither of us had kissed anyone and we both were wondering how it felt like. I did want to do it out of curiosity, but I have to be honest and say that I did develop a crush on Brian. He had big blue eyes and curly blonde hair, and he was nice to me. Nicer than any of the other boys were.

So when he kicked me after we kissed and would barely speak to me afterwards, I was crushed. He was my best friend at the lake, and my new feelings for him only made it worse. He would only speak to me when forced to, like when both of our family's would have dinner or go out together, even then he would barely speak to me. He started playing with Jessica Stanley more after that. I despised Jessica Stanley. I kept thinking afterwards what I did wrong, was kissing me really that disgusting? Kissing, it hits me. What I came here to do. Oh no.

"Good thing you had your little lesson before am I right?" Jaime asks as if on queue, a devious smile on her face. I freeze then and pull her in for a hug so she won't see my face.

"Yeah, thanks so much for tonight." I say. I know she will know I am lying if she sees my face so when she tries to pull away from the hug, I pull her in tighter.

"No problem babe, now lets get going. You didn't drag me away from that blonde beauty for nothing." she says. I pull away then, taking out my phone from my pocket to check the time. If we leave now we will barely make it home in time before my curfew.

I slip my phone back into my pocket and look up one last time at the fraternity. It is even more crowded than when we arrived and I scan the crowd, looking at every drunk, drinking person when a pair of piercing blue eyes catch my attention. It is Henry Dean, laying his weight on the porch's wooden rails. He has a entertained smirk plastered on his pink lips and he's blue eyes are staring, at me. I find myself looking back at him and that feeling I had earlier returns. His smirk soon turns into a smile and I can't look away. Especially from those blue, blue eyes.

"Lizzy, are you coming?" I look away from Henry Dean then and over at Jaime. She is glaring at me with a look that says 'are you coming or what?' and I start to stutter.

"Ye- yeah, lets go."

"Well then, lets go."

She starts to walk away and I look back in the direction Henry Dean was in. He is still looking at me, with the same facial expression. I look at the floor to avoid his intense gaze, but I can't help but look again, and his smile grows bigger when I do.

"Henry!" I hear someone yell. Loud enough to hear over the music.

He turns around and I see Marina come into view. She laughs and puts her arms around his neck, leaning over to rest her weight on her right leg.


I look away and start walking over to Jaime.

"God what where you looking at?" she asks, trying to find what I was looking at.

"Nothing, nothing. Let's go."

I walk behind her this time, but not before looking back to where I saw Henry Dean last. He is looking at me again, even with Marina trying to catch his attention. I look away then, knowing I won't be able to if I keep looking at him.

When I walk away after Jaime, trying to catch up to her, I can still feel his blue gaze on me.

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