Chapter 2. Anyone.

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After class finished I rushed out as fast as I could. Mr. Prior was suspicious of what happened in the class during his restroom break and had asked Logan to stay with him after class once he saw his wet shirt. He then asked Henry and Morgan to stay as well, which is an expected action. Anyone could tell that what happened was their doing without having to be in the room when it happened.

"Sorry," I mumble.

I take steps back and lay against the wall trying to stay out of the passing students way. Nolan said he was going to pick me up after class so I am going to wait until he gets here. As I switch my notebook to my other hand, I see the door to Mr. Prior's classroom open. Seconds later Logan comes into view, caring 3 books and wearing a sweater. Anyone who wasn't in class wouldn't even know he spilled water all over himself.

"Logan," I stop him. He looks surprised by this. "I just wanted to apologize, if I embarrassed you in class. And to see if you're alright."

His cheeks turn a taint pink as he switches his weight to his other foot, looking a bit uncomfortable.

"No, no you didn't. Thanks, I'm alright." I smile at him and he returns a faint one.

"My name is Elizabeth, Elizabeth Woolridge Grant. You can call me Lizzy." I take out my hand and offer him to shake it. He hesitates at first but takes it after all. "Logan. Logan Lerman, you can call me Logan."

I laugh at this and take back my hand.

"Do you-" in that moment, Logan's books are slapped out of his hands. I look up and see Henry Dean giving Logan a wicked grin. He is much taller up close.

"Pick em' up nerd." He starts to walk away and I almost go after him, but Logan stops me before I have a chance.

"Don't, it's fine." He lets go of my wrist and bends down to fetch his books. I follow quickly after.

"No it isn't, you shouldn't let that jerk treat you like that." I get up and hand Logan one of his books. His looks more shy than ever, holding his books and tightening his grip on his back pack strap.

"It's complicated..."

"No, it isn't. You shouldn't let anyone treat you that way. Anyone."

He nods and I sigh. Poor Logan.

"Do you have another class?" I ask. He nods no.

"This was my last class." I nod.

"Mines too." He adjust his books and I realize I am stalling him while he carries those heavy dreadful things.

"I'll see you around yeah?" He nods and smiles. I smile back and get out of his way.

A few moments later, the hallway doors open and Nolan walks in breathing heavily.

"Why are you breathing so heavy?" He nods no and waves me off.

"No reason, let's go" he kisses the top of my head, putting his arm over my shoulder and starts to walk.

"You got to class late, didn't you." he hesitates but eventually nods. "And she made you sweep the classroom, and gave you a detention. Didn't she."

He nods and I laugh, shoving him playfully.

"I told you!"


Any thoughts so far? I have a pretty good idea on where this story is going so bare with me. For any rays out there, Elizabeth Woolridge Grant is Lana's real name and I am doing this story on that. Thanks for reading! Follow, vote, comment! Xoxo

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