Chapter 5. dont you?

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After about 10 minutes of going back and forth in my head about wearing the too revealing outfit that Jaime chose for me to wear tonight, I decide to go with what I had decided when I first stared in the mirror. I am going to wear it.

"Yay! I knew you'd like it!" Jaime squeals. "Now help me find an outfit, I can't decide what top to get."

As it turns out, Jaime already has chosen tight black leather jeans and has a long gray cardigan picked out, all she needs, like she said, is a top. The two tops she has picked out are both pretty, but I tell her to go with the white one with the graphic on it. She agrees and we both pay for her choice of outfits and finally make our way out of there, saying goodbye and thanks to Alex after paying.

When leaving Sunkiss we both agree that we will go to my house to get ready and we try to think of how we are going to ask my mother for permission if I can go to the party, but come up short. I don't know how she will react, but I a hoping she will say no. I don't feel like going to this party and I already feel guilty for thinking about kissing someone else while Nolan and I are... Talking. I don't know how I am going to do this.

" Let's go to the coffee shop," I nod at her request and make a left. The coffee shop is in the main part of town, where all the little shops are. Jaime and I love it there, the coffee is amazing and it doesn't get crowded. It's our hang out place really.

Once we get to the coffee shop Jaime and I order our usual drinks and take a seat at our usual table. The shop today is lonely, there are only about 10 people here, including Jaime and I. It probably has to do with school not letting out for everyone yet.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Jaime asks.

"No." I say immediately. She rolls her eyes and sets both of her hands on the table.

"Lizzy, it isn't cheating. You and Nolan aren't together."

"That doesn't matter Jaime I feel guilty already, we are talking. We kiss and hold hands. We do everything a couple does, except-"

"Except it isn't official," she finishes for me. She can read me like book.

"Look, I know you feel guilty. And that you think you are cheating, but it isn't official Lizzy. And you want to learn how to French kiss before you both start kissing like that, don't you?"

I stay quiet. Maybe Nolan can teach me, I mean he knows. He tried to kiss me that way today for Christ sake. I don't have to learn how to French kiss before I do it with him, I can learn while doing it. I mean everyone didnt know how to French kiss at one point. How will I learn if I don't do it? I don't have to kiss someone besides Nolan. But I just feel embarrassed. What if I'm no good at it? It will be embarrassing, I rather do it with a stranger first. It won't mean anything.

"Yes," I say.

"Then? It'll be fine. You'll be a pro before you know it!" She winks.

"Jaime?" they call out.

"I'll be right back."

Jaime is right. Nolan and I aren't together, and I want to learn how to kiss that way. I fear for Nolan's feelings but he doesn't have to know about this. Only Jaime, I, and the person who I will practice on.

We spend 2 more hours at the shop, chatting and drinking coffee. Caffeine is one of my weaknesses, I love it so much. I could live off of it if it where possible. I don't know what it is about it but is addicting to me.

After the coffee shop Jaime and I go to the nearest target to buy the supplies I need for A.P English. They aren't hard to find, they're the basic supplies. Most of which I already have. The only things I was missing where a five star notebook, highlighters and red pens. I had those all but Charlie and Chuck are responsible for me not having them anymore. Though I have no idea why Charlie would need some of those, he's in elementary school.

"Oh Jaime, get that pink eos for me!" I love those things. They smell amazing and work, they are my favorite.

"Here," she hands me it and I put it in front of the cashier for her to charge.

"Thanks," the cashier scans it and I get it before she can put it in the bag.

"I don't know why you bother buying those things, with your lips it'll waste in a day." she mocks my big lips by pouting out hers. I shove her shoulder playfully and hand over the money to the cashier.


Wasn't going to update today but in honor of the Queens birthday today I did! Hope you guys like it, it's short but good to get this part out of the way. :) Xx AND GO WISH LANA A HAPPY BIRTHDAY

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