Chapter 11

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Raiden's POV

I was sitting with Luke' parents having dinner when my cell started to ring.

"Excuse me," I told them before leaving the room, Cindy was calling me.

"Raiden, do you know where Kris is?" She asked me when I answered.

"What? No isn't she home?" I asked a bit confused.

"No she's not, she left a note saying that she needs to take a break from everything, and not to worry about her," Cindy said, breathing heavily.

"Cindy, calm down okay, this is normal Kris behaviour, she runs when she gets overwhelmed, it's normal and we both know that she runs to her cousin, Raelan's house, so she's safe," I told gently.

This wasn't unusual for us, Kris is really good at running away from emotions, she usually goes to her cousin, get some advice, cool down, see the different perspective of the problem then comes back to deal with it. She's the kind of girl that needs to take a step back in order to handle things.

"You're right, she left her aunt and uncle a note and just called to say that she's with Raelan, you would think an introvert like her wouldn't be so spontaneous," Cindy said, her breathing back to normal.

"Anywho, why aren't you here?" She asked me, I sighed at her question.

"I'm at Luke's, Kris and I had a fight, so it was best that I left the house before things got worse," I told her.

"We're here for almost a month and you guys have a fight," She yelled over the phone, anger seeping into her tone.

"Yes we got into a fight Cindy, it's very normal for friends to fight," I told her a bit irritated.

"Don't get rude with me mister, what did you argue about this time," She asked.

"She called my girlfriend a slut repeatedly," I told her rubbing my head knowing that I'm going to fight with her soon enough.

"What girlfriend? You broke up with Trina, two and a half years ago," she questioned.

"My girlfriend Dana," I told her.

"WHAT!!" She screamed into the phone.

"You're dating that bitch, since when? Wait that doesn't matter! Why are you dating her after all that she did to Kris?" She cried.

"She's cha......" I started but she interrupted me with a dark chuckle.

"Oh don't give me that shit about how much she's changed, people like her don't change Raiden, she slept with Nuca, breaking Kris' heart and don't forget all the times she has bullied me, how could you date your own sister's bully," She yelled at me into the phone, I winced at the anger and hurt in her voice.

"So this is why she fought with you? Let me guess, she found you both half-naked in your room huh," She questioned but I know it wasn't a question.

"Typical Raiden, when you know that you can't be with Kris, you break her heart and push her off to some other boy," She scoffed at me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her confused at the notion she was making.

"When you first started to date Tina, Kris found you both half-naked in your room but of course you didn't see her, oh but she saw, thus breaking her emotionally because you decided to try and move on, this decision on your part caused her to seek attention  and affection elsewhere and the only guy that paid attention to her was the bad boy Nuca," I stopped her there.

"Wait so you're saying that I pushed Kris into the arms of a terrible guy, that it was my fault ?" I asked a bit pissed that Cindy was blaming me.

"I'm not placing blame on you dumbo, I'm just saying that your action caused her to make a decision which altered her life by a lot and that you're repeating it again, so you better fix it before you ever so your face in this house again," She yelled at me before hanging up.

I shoved my phone into my pocket before going back to dinner.

"Sorry, it was my sister just asking when I was coming home," I told Luke and the other members at the dinner table.

"Oh, you told her that you were staying the night right babe?" Dana asked me, her voice soft and sweet.

"Yeah, told her that I had to help you with your Psychology essay that's due tomorrow," I answered her, smiling well trying to smile lovingly at her.

"I didn't know that you did Psychology also, Raiden," Luke said catching the interest of his parents and the guys.

"I minor in Psychology along with my major in Criminology, that's how we met, Dana was in my Intro to Psychology class and we just connected," I told them, laying the cover story real thick.

"Well, I must say, Dana, you did good in catching this guy and it's really nice to meet you finally Raiden," Luke's mom, Tracy said before picking up her plate and moving to the kitchen.

We cleaned up the table and moved to the television room for dessert and Family Feud, after Luke's parents called it a night, we got up and I followed Dana to the guest room.

"Alright so I already finished the essay but I feel like there's something missing," She told me as she sat down on the bed with her laptop.

You thought I was lying when I said that I was helping her? I wasn't, she really asked me and I decided to help. Hey don't look at me like I'm crazy, it's the right thing to do and no don't start on how she's the enemy and that  I should leave her to fail speech. I  was telling the truth that she has changed.

Do you want to know how I know?

Well, one she told me, ahhh don't interrupt me,  and secondly, she's working with my brother in trying to stop Luke and his gang. Yes, I know that they're cousins but Dana was adopted so they're not really related. It's all really complicated but it's the best I got to work with.

After an hour and a half editing her essay, it was time to sleep. I took the floor while she took the bed.

"Goodnight Raiden, don't worry if you just follow Luke's rules everything is going to be alright," She told me before turning off the lights.

"Oh I really hope so, Dana, I really hope so," I mumbled before darkness took over.

"Oh I really hope so, Dana, I really hope so," I mumbled before darkness took over

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Dana is actually good!  Who would have ever thought? 😧😧😧😧

Even I am shocked by this revelation.😮😮😮

So Raiden has a plan, let's hope that it pulls through🤔🤔🤔🤔

Until next time Awesomeers

Love Danielle💕💕💕

P.S. I usually write while listening to music and I finished it off listening to Shawn Mendes "There's Nothing Hold Me Back". So thanks Shawn for helping me close this chapter.

Bye ya'll

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